The war in Ukraine: evacuations, evacuation exercises … airstrikes from Moscow raise questions

There has been a stir in Russian airspace in recent days. For good reason, since Thursday 17 March, several dozen flights have departed eastbound from Moscow, immediately before returning to the Russian capital, sparking curiosity and questioning.

The planes are said to be Russian Armed Forces aircraft but also private jets. Huffington Post.

These flights could be evacuation exercises, the evacuations of high-ranking Russian dignitaries, or the news of a kind of “announcement increase” from the Kremlin. CIOA journal specializing in geopolitical and military issues.

For other experts, the frequency of flights is no more surprising than the direction of planes heading east. This goal could actually be explained by the closure of European airspace, which is off-limits to Russian aircraft.

Many hypotheses, but the real reasons for these trips are still unclear.

Currently, fighting is going on in Ukraine and these airstrikes are coming Vladimir Putin He denounced the “traitors” and spoke of “the necessary purification of society.”

For his part, President Volodymyr Zhelensky continued to call for an establishment Non-flying area On his country to stop the bombing of Russian planes on Ukrainian cities.

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