They refuse to swear allegiance to Charles III: the elected officials of Quebec go back

Three representatives of the separatist Parti Québécois were turned away from the Blue Salon in Quebec’s “Palais Bourbon” on Thursday. Province of Canada. The Chief of Defense had received orders from the President. Method? These elected officials could not participate in the parliamentary proceedings of the new assembly because they refused to be loyal to King Charles III.

It should be remembered that the King of the United Kingdom is officially the Canadian Head of State. Indeed, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has all the cards in his hand, but according to constitutional expert Patrick Taylan, He gave an interview to the newspaper the sun, Canada’s institutions and parliamentarism still exist “Draws from a British tradition that goes back to the deep Middle Ages and has never had a break”. An ethos that angers the French-speaking province, which has lost its colonial history since Canada was founded in 1867.

Because, although the oath of allegiance is prescribed by the constitution, Quebec elected officials have often shirked this duty. Officially, a sovereign prime minister added a pledge, as did René Lévesque in 1982. “To the people of Quebec”. Or more vulgarly: Quebec’s newspapers are knowingly filled with cases of deputation. “murmured” Unfathomable loyalty or submission to an English-speaking king or queen was demanded behind closed doors.

According to the majority of Quebecers, it is time to change this tradition. This is what Paul Saint-Pierre Plamondon, leader of the Freedom Party, intends to sit down to. Next week, many political parties have planned To file a bill “To Abolish the Oath to the King”. A case to proceed.

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