Third consecutive evening of demonstrations calling for a ceasefire in Paris

For the third evening in a row, demonstrators gathered in the center of the capital against Israeli bombings in the Palestinian territories.



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Demonstrators rally against Israel's war on the Gaza Strip in Paris on May 29, 2024.  (ZAKARIA ABDELKAFI/AFP)

At least a thousand people gathered in the center of Paris on Wednesday evening, May 29, for the third evening in a row to demonstrate against Israeli bombing of the Gaza Strip.

According to AFP reporters, the demonstrators, mostly young men, brandished Palestinian flags and chanted: “Long Live the Struggle of the Palestinian People”, “It’s not war, it’s genocide” Or “Israel Kills Palestine’s Children”.

PARIS: Third consecutive evening demonstration against the war in Gaza

On Tuesday evening, the crowd of around 4,500 continued with an unannounced march through the streets north of the capital, with some demonstrators attempting to block the Northern Ring Road.

Many have taken to the streets to protest the Israeli army’s shelling in Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip, in recent days – including an attack on a tent camp for displaced people. Other meetings in Lille and Marseille were organized in France on Wednesday evening. The mayor of Marseille Benoît Payan (PS) has decided to turn off the lights in the town hall from 10 p.m.

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