Ukraine, Taiwan … Greens accuse Mélenchon of “adopting the dialectic of dictators”

Many environmental activists have criticized the boss of France’s Insumais for using the term “provocation” to qualify the defense of “democracies” against “authoritarian” regimes.

La Noobs is tearing itself apart on international issues. After initial internal friction, a motion for a resolution seeking to condemn the alleged “Institutionalization by Israel of apartheid regime», these are now Tensions rise between Beijing and Taipei Breakers of the left wing. “Mélenchon spoke of “provocation” as democratic Ukraine defended itself in the Donbass against authoritarian Russia. And (he) talks about Taiwan’s “provocation” when this country acts independently against China. A democracy is a “provocation” for a dictatorship“, Julian Bayou, the boss of environmentalists, was attacked this Friday afternoon Twitter.

questioned, A recent blog post by French leader Insoumise He accused US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of wanting to condemn her Asia tour.Open a new front“when he”There is only one China“For his eyes.”Taiwan is an integral part of China“, adding a third person to the last presidential election was even more appropriate, completing a Latin American visit that began on July 12, which took him to Mexico, Honduras and finally Colombia.

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“Not in my name”, protested David Gourmand, former boss of EELV

Following their leader, many environmental executives have also stepped up to condemn Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s ouster, and were inspired by the recognition shown to him by the Chinese embassy in France. “These are the thanks I don’t want to get! Shame on talking about one China and questioning people’s right to self-determination. The country imprisons Uyghurs and implements a policy of systematic repression against any dissent“, hammered MEP EELV Mounir Satori.

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Support for the one-China policy denies that China is a dictatorship whose provocations are intolerable; (That) the genocide of the Uyghurs is a factthat he is guilty; (And) the Taiwanese have the right to self-determination, the right to self-determination“For her, she crushed the second place of Europe’s Ecology-The Greens, Leia Balej El Mariki.”Not in my name“, finally, concluded the former boss of the party, David Gourmand, according to whom”The cynicism of sending executioners to their victims is the eternal dialectic of dictators and justifications for their barbarism.Contacted by ” Le Figaro, Jean-Luc Mélenchon did not respond at this point. LFI also did not react.

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