Ukrainian positions are established on the eastern bank of the Dnieper in the Kherson region

Cover Image: The body of a resident in front of the shops of a market in the center of Kherson after a Russian bombing on April 18, 2023. Tina Bledenchuk/AFP

  • The Russian forces launched fifty-eight artillery barrages in twenty-four hoursThree are drone strikes and two use multiple rocket launchers In the Zaporizhia region. In a press release issued on Friday, the IAEA is still concerned “Facing Serious Nuclear Safety and Security Risks” The Zaporizhia nuclear power plant, the largest in Europe, has been occupied by the Russian military for more than a year.
  • Six Leopard tanks promised by Spain to Ukraine left by sea on Friday evening Spanish Defense Minister Margarita Robles announced on Saturday that they would reach their destination in the coming days. “Four more Leopards have been repaired and once that is done they will go to Ukraine as well”The minister added.
  • The Russian Foreign Ministry announced on Saturday Discharge “over twenty” German ambassadorsIn response, according to him, Germany did not confirm a similar move by Berlin.

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