Ursula van der Leyen will accompany Emmanuel Macron

Via Le Figaro with AFP

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President Emmanuel Macron welcomes European Commission President Ursula van der Leyen at the Elysee Palace in Paris on June 3, 2022. Julian de Rosa / AFP

French President Emmanuel Macron On Friday 24 February he announced that he would be accompanied by the President of the European Commission Ursula van der Leyen During that Traveled to China in early April.

I proposed to President van der Leyen that he come to a share with meA presentation visit »United (European) Voiceagainst Beijing, he told a press conference after a European summit in Brussels. The Head of State recalled “Committed to carrying a unified European voice» In the face of Russia and War in Ukraine.

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Join China to put pressure on Russia.

Emmanuel Macron, President

necessary”Try as much as possible to get China on our side to put pressure on Russia, obviously not using it Chemical weapons And nucleus and (..) stop the conflict, return to the negotiating table and allow respect for international law, namely the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine“, he noted.

Ursula van der Leyen is due to give a speech in Brussels on Thursday EU-China Relations. During their discussions on the subject in the fall, European leaders were eager to find their own way against China, rather than aligning themselves with the United States and allowing themselves to be drawn into the logic of “”formal conflict“.

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