US Blocks Full Palestinian Membership in UN

The country, which did everything to delay the vote, did not hesitate to use its veto right, which it continued to use to protect its Israeli ally.


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Deputy US Ambassador Robert Wood votes against full Palestinian membership in the UN on April 18, 2024 in New York.  (Fathih Aktas / Anadolu / AFP)

They exercised their veto power. On Thursday, April 18, the United States ended the Palestinian dream of full membership in the UN. Amazingly, in the middle of the war in Gaza, their Israeli ally vetoed their request in the Security Council. For weeks, Palestinians have had their lowest status since 2012 “Non-Member Visitor Status”, It also appealed to the Arab League to accept it “State of Palestine” Already recognized by the majority of capitals has taken its place “legally” Within the United Nations.

The decision was immediately condemned by the Palestinian Authority. “This aggressive US policy against Palestine, its people and their legitimate rights represents a blatant attack on international law and an incentive to continue the genocidal war against our people (…). pit”The office of its chairman, Mahmoud Abbas, said in a statement.

The US position has not changed since 2011

A draft resolution proposed by Algeria recommending Palestinian membership was adopted by 12 votes to 1, with 2 abstentions (United Kingdom and Switzerland). Admitting a state to the UN requires a positive recommendation from the Council, i.e. at least 9 votes out of 15 without a veto from a permanent member, then approval by a two-thirds majority.

The US has continued to reiterate its position in recent weeks “not changed” Since 2011, a membership request by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has been scaled back before reaching the Council stage in the face of US opposition.

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