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Food crisis threat in Latin America and the Caribbean

Latin America and the Caribbean are threatened by a food crisis, and as a result of the war in Ukraine, the shock of the corona virus outbreak is pushing back inflation in a region that has yet to cope, the World Food Program (WFP) warned today.

“Millions of people could be plunged into poverty and food insecurity if the conflict in Ukraine continues”Lola Castro, director of the WFP office in Panama – based Latin America and the Caribbean, warned in a statement.

At least 9.3 million people in the region are without food security and that number may be “In bad condition” If the conflict continues, it will increase to 13.3 million, according to a UN press release.

“Rising commodity and energy prices (…) Rising food inflation threatens the region, where many countries rely heavily on grain imports”Especially in the Caribbean islands, the WFP explains.

The UN underscores that the price of a tonne of essential commodities such as rice, black gram, pulses and oil increased by 27% between January and April and by 111% between January 2019 and April 2022.

Prior to the conflict, Russia was the world’s largest wheat exporter, followed by Ukraine at 4th and 3rd on the way.

Latin America and the Caribbean “Already Govt-19, affected by rising prices and severe weather events”Concerned Mrs. Castro.

“The number of food insecure people is increasing and the gap between our financial needs and available resources continues to widen.”Underlines the WFP Director for the Region.

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The WFP has launched an international appeal for more than $ 315 million to cover the cost of its efforts to bring humanitarian aid to the region over the next six months.

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