War in Ukraine: Escaped, Imprisoned, Killed… What Happened to Evgeny Prigozhin?

Evgueni Prigojine, the leader of the Wagner militia, has not reappeared since a failed coup attempt in late June. How to explain this silence? Answer Components.

Three weeks of absence and a lot of guesswork. Since his failed coup attempt on June 24, Evgueni Prigojine has disappeared from the radar. We thought he was in Belarus or St. Petersburg, but he ended up in Moscow, the center of Vladimir Putin’s power. Citing Western intelligence sources, liberation said last week The leader of the Wagner militia was “blocked” in the Kremlin with about thirty key commanders. All would have been invited by the Russian president and his closest bodyguard.

Radio silence

Responding to this information, earlier in the week, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov lifted a corner of the veil, saying the meeting took place on June 29. “The exchanges will last three hours, during which the two camps will exchange not only about the situation in Ukraine, but also about the “events of June 24”. According to Peskov, the fighters “convinced that they are supporters”. .

In an interview with the Russian press on Thursday, Vladimir Putin himself said he had proposed to Wagner’s staff that they be led by a commander other than Prigozhin, but the latter had formally refused. From this episode – if it really existed -, radio silence, therefore. How to explain it?

“Putin Blurs the Tracks”

“This is a big mystery maintained by Vladimir Putin. He is currently playing at blurring the tracks and manipulating everyone,” testifies. Send MIDI, former KGB spy Sergei Zhirnov. To this observer of Russian power, the Kremlin leader is “cleverly conducting an investigation to eliminate any adversaries within Wagner”. Starting with the leader of the militia? “If he doesn’t die, you should know that Evgeny Prigozhin has every chance of becoming the future president of Russia,” our interlocutor replied bluntly.

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Meanwhile, it appears that the work to discredit Vladimir Putin’s former friend is underway in Russia. Last week, the media greedily published the results of a search of Prigojine’s lavish property in Saint-Pétersoubrg. The pictures circulated showed the lavish luxury in which the pack leader lived. Among the banknotes and gold nuggets found, gruesome details such as a photo of severed heads or a series of wigs caused a lot of talk.

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