War in Ukraine: Former KGB agent says Vladimir Putin will be replaced by a sick man

While Vladimir Putin’s health is fueling all rumors, former Russian spy Sergei Zirnov has speculated that the Kremlin leader may use twins to replace him. An idea was also put forward by the British Secret Service.

Since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Vladimir Putin’s health is all the rage. According to some, brain cancer, others cancer … If the Russian government categorically denies these rumors through the voice of its foreign minister Sergei LavrovThe Kremlin’s strong man is really suffering, slim, timid, and eager to keep his distance from his narrators.

But how to explain the proliferation of his public appearances, especially on Russian television? British intelligence services have their hypothesis: Vladimir Putin will use people who look like him instead. The theory shared by former Russian spy Sergei Girnov. When asked by journalist Mary Sandrite about this hypothesis, the author considered it “not so absurd”. “You know, in Russia, they say there are three Putins. And the Putin we saw in the hospital was not the one we saw in the Kremlin,” he continued.

\ u27a1 \ ufe0f Regarding Vladimir’s health # Cheese fry

\ ud83d \ udd34 \ ud83d \ udde3 \ ufe0f “Putin underwent minor surgery a few days ago. In Diego’s theory, it’s not absurd”: Sergei Zirnov | chamchantrait. pic.twitter.com/Ne8Lk6N5yo

– LCI (@LCI) May 30, 2022

“Are you the real Putin?”

To support his views, the former spy said he was focusing on the Russian president’s suspicious “ear shape”. “We saw three Putins with different ear shapes. That was when he appeared on the Kremlin channel,” said Sergei Zirnov.

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For its part, British intelligence suggests that Putin may even broadcast pre-recorded videos of his speeches. We say that if a leader of a country dies, his death will be kept secret for many months.

As a reminder, during a press conference in February 2020, a journalist from the Russian news agency TASS asked the Russian president: “Are you the real Putin?” Response of the person concerned: “I refused to receive copies”. A few minutes later, the latter confirmed that such a move had already been proposed to him.

“Rumors about the disease are not ruled out as a way for Putin to manipulate his entourage, which angered Sergei Girno.

For now, all the hypotheses are on the table.

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