Washington has 8,500 players on alert

The Change of tone and strategy Washington seems determined. The United States has 8,500 troops on high alert Stopped with NATO forces Maybe Invasion of Ukraine by Russia, Pentagon spokesman John Kirby announced Monday.

“The number of troops on high alert is up to 8,500,” he said, adding that “no decision has been made at this time on whether to deploy troops outside the United States.” But “it is very clear,” he added, “the Russians do not currently intend to start an expansion.”

According to The New York Times, U.S. civil servants presented several options to Joe Biden this weekend, who may decide to send 1,000 to 5,000 troops to Eastern Europe and the Baltic states to prevent Moscow from entering Ukraine.

“No difference” with Europeans

On Monday, the United States pledged “no difference” with Europeans over the unprecedented sanctions or threat of sanctions imposed on Russia in the event of an invasion of Ukraine. “There is no clarity,” US diplomacy spokesman Nate Price told reporters. “We know it, and above all, the Russian Federation knows it,” he stressed, while calling on European diplomat Joseph Borel to avoid “alarm” reactions.

Elysee announced Monday that French President Emmanuel Macron will offer Vladimir Putin a “path of expansion.” “The president will soon meet with Vladimir Putin, who will provide the basis for the expansion,” the French president announced, noting that the exchange would take place “in the coming days.” “He thinks there is room for diplomacy, for expansion,” he added.

In this context, Elysée said that Emmanuel Macron’s special envoy to Russia, Pierre Vimont, will travel to Moscow on Tuesday. France, Germany, Russia and Ukraine will then hold a meeting at the level of diplomatic advisers in Ukraine on Wednesday in Paris.

See also  Russia says it carried out night strikes against Ukrainian military "airports".

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