Who will Pasiro Diomaye Fay surround himself with to carry out his plan?

Five days after the presidential election, Bassero Diomaye Fay is the new president of Senegal. He was elected with 54% of the vote in the first round, according to provisional figures, which still need to be verified by the Constitutional Council. According to his party Bastep, he will be invested on April 2 at the end of Mackie Sal's mandate, and he will then form his first government on April 5, the day after a national holiday.

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With our correspondent in Dakar, Juliet Dubois

What we at BASTEF are saying is that the new president-elect needs to work quickly on his priorities, namely the economy, cost of living and food sovereignty. For this, the government is mostly made up of technocrats and not necessarily led by political figures. Statistics may be” Neutral ”, without political commitment, as well as the diaspora.

The new president may surround himself with members of the President Diomey coalition, which includes a hundred smaller parties and movements. For example, we see former trade unionist Dame Mbotge or former Prime Minister Mimi Touré. The most important thing, we emphasize at Basstep, is the distortion and “ project “Worn Bussiro Duomoye Faye and Ousmane Sonko.

As for the place, precisely, Ousmane Sonko confirmed in the columns of the future president. the world That he didn't promise her anything. So all options are open for a government role, either as a close advisor or even as President of the National Assembly.

Finally, can mainstream traditional parties play a role in this new government? The PDS, which supported Bassiru Diomaye Fay days before the election, is open to debate in any case and according to Maguette Sy, “ We will not close any partition “.But he notes that if talks are held, it will be with party leaders Abdul Wade and Karim Wade.

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