A black teenager takes two bullets after knocking on the wrong door: The shooter was “scared to death,” as we know from the Ralph Yarl case

to do AmericaIt is a state matter.

On April 13, Ralph EarleA 16-year-old black American boy was tasked by his parents to pick up his siblings from a friend’s house. Kansas City, Missouri. His mom gave him the address, but Ralph didn’t know where it was. Then the young man made a mistake and rang the wrong bell. Without warning, the owner shot him dead.

This Tuesday morning, we learn more about the circumstances of this tragedy.

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Tasked with rescuing his brothers and sisters, a young black man knocks on the wrong door: the owner shoots him twice in the head.


According to CNNThe shooter is called Andrew Lester85 year old white man. Yet according to our colleaguesHe reportedly told investigators he was “Ralph’s fear of death due to his size and inability to defend himself”. Through the window of the door, the owner fired the first bullet into the young man’s head. Then he was on the ground with a .32 caliber weapon and a second in hand. “He said he believed someone was trying to break into the house and fired twice (through the exterior storm door) within seconds of opening the (main) door.”A police detective also writes in court documents.

Lester was charged with first-degree criminal mischief. He is likely to spend the rest of his life in prison.

Miraculously, Ralph survived. He “get well” According to his father. The young man also received a call from the President of the United States. Joe Biden in person

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