A drone was shot down in Q, the head of the capital’s military administration said

Cover Image: A drone was shot down at Kew on Thursday, May 4. Sergei Chubinsky/AFP

  • A drone was shot down over Kyiv. The head of the capital’s military administration, Serhii Babko, announced on Thursday evening. Kyiv Mayor Vitaly Klitschko said “Explosions and Fires in the Solomiansky District” From Kiev, where “Rescuers control fire in four-story building”.
  • A drone was shot down near a Russian airbase in Sevastopol, Crimea. “No items were damaged. The situation is under control,” he said. Mikhaїl Razvojaїev, governor of the Sevastopol administrative region established by Moscow, announced on Thursday.
  • During Thursday, Eighteen areas in the Donetsk region were bombed againMinistry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine said.
  • Ukraine’s president has called for the creation of a special court for the crime of aggression, after a surprise visit to the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague on Thursday. Ukraine is “Realistic (…), We will not join NATO [Organisation du traité de l’Atlantique Nord] during the war”Volodymyr Zelensky also declared.
  • Ukraine will need it“At least $400 billion [363 milliards d’euros] We need to recover from the losses caused by Russia.”Ukraine’s Ministry of Temporarily Occupied Territories announced on Thursday telegram.
  • Russia’s president on Thursday accused the US of ordering a Ukrainian drone strike Kyiv denies any involvement in an attack against the Kremlin that Moscow claims was foiled earlier in the day. According to the White House, the Kremlin “There’s a lie” By accusing Washington of ordering the attack by Ukrainian drones.
  • Head of European Diplomacy, Joseph Borrell warned Moscow on Thursday Against any use of drones to attack the Kremlin as “An excuse to continue the expansion of the war”.
  • Explains the destination of Ukrainian infrastructure and citizens “Russia’s clear willingness to continue escalation “In its war of aggression against Ukraine.”French Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Anne-Claire Legendre lamented Thursday.
  • Russian public television aired images showing the president on Thursday Vladimir Putin made his first public appearance since the drone strike was announced yesterday at a working group meeting, which is said to be taking place in the Kremlin.
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