A man is vaccinated 10 times a day

The Ministry of Health has launched an investigation to find the persons who paid this person to steal their identity and actually issue them a health permit.

A needle in hand for money. In New Zealand, one person received ten injections of Covit-19 in a single day.

According to New Zealand newspaper Subject, The Ministry of Health has launched an investigation to find the individuals who paid this person to steal their identity and actually issue them a health permit.

In New Zealand, In order to get a health pass, You must have received two dose vaccines or have medical contraindications.

No danger

“If you know someone who has been vaccinated more than recommended, they should see a doctor as soon as possible,” says New Zealand Vaccine Project Manager Astrid Gurnieff.

“This is really a stupid thing to do,” immunologist Helen Pedosis-Harris told the newspaper. Subject. There is limited data on the effects of ten doses of the vaccine in a single day because studies do not cover such overdose and consider that man’s behavior to be “selfish”.

However she was optimistic. According to him, the strong immune response the next day should have been particularly unpleasant. However, he is not in danger, she believes.

A “stupid and dangerous” practice

Graham Le Crose, director of the Malagan Institute and professor of immunology, decides that this is “empty and dangerous” for a man who has received ten injections and for those who have not received the Covit-19 vaccine, especially for Delta. Variation.

According to him, a person who has been vaccinated ten times should have “really arm pain” after these consecutive injections. In mid-October, another article from Subject Mention is made of the potential identity theft of some candidates for the vaccine.

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The Ministry of Health responded: “It is dangerous to impersonate someone and seek medical treatment (…) which could endanger the person who was vaccinated under the false identity and the person who claims to have been vaccinated in his absence.”

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