A Russian protester interrupts a TV news …

9:35 pm: Israel will not allow sanctions against Russia to “roll”.

Israel, which has not joined Western sanctions against Russia in the wake of the Ukraine invasion, on Monday promised not to allow the “round” of oligarchy in Moscow and the head of Israeli diplomacy.

During his visit to Slovakia, Yaïr Lapid, the head of Israeli diplomacy, declared that “Israel is not a way to circumvent sanctions imposed on Russia by the United States and other Western nations.”

In early March, the Israeli government set up a special committee headed by a senior foreign ministry official to guide the “Israeli response to these sanctions,” Israeli diplomatic spokesman Lior Hyatt said.

Israeli Prime Minister Naphtali Bennett spoke by phone with Russian President Vladimir Putin for more than an hour on Monday, a senior Israeli official who said he met in Moscow ten days ago. He also met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zhelensky on Monday, the official added.

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