According to UNICEF, more than half of Ukrainian children, or 4.3 million, had to leave the fighting.

Since the outbreak of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Russian Orthodox patriot Grill has distinguished himself by his sermons on religion and politics, in which he subtly supports Moscow’s military offensive and embellishes it with mystical-civilized colors.

On February 27, the patriot described Moscow’s protesters in Ukraine “Evil Forces” Those who want to break the historical unity between the two countries. According to him, The “Evil Forces” Are “Fight Unity” The Russian Orthodox Church, with its descendants, is a medieval state considered to be the ancestor of Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus. However, Ukraine withdrew from the Russian sphere of influence in 2014 and moved closer to the European Union and NATO. In 2019, it granted an Orthodox Church independent of the Moscow Patriarchate, which put an end to more than three hundred years of religious oversight and provoked the wrath of Russia and the Grill.

On Wednesday, March 9, he dedicated his talk to the dissertation on Russians, Ukrainians, and Belarusians.“A people” Malicious neighbors are trying to divide. “They are against our unity, against our spiritual roots, and therefore, whether they call themselves believers or unbelievers, they are against the will of God.” He insisted.

The patriotic grill, head of the powerful Russian Orthodox Church since 2009, is one of the pillars of the organization founded by Vladimir Putin. He does not hesitate to justify police repression of protests or to bless Moscow’s weapons and war abroad. In 2012, he was promoted to Mr. Putin announced his allegiance to the presidency. “The Miracle of God”.

In Europe, many Christian officials addressed the grill. On Thursday, Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich, chairman of the Commission on Bishops’ Councils of the European Union, issued a letter. “Begging” Father of the Nation“I urge the Russian authorities to put an end to hostilities against the Ukrainian people and show goodwill towards a diplomatic solution.” And to set up humanitarian corridors.

See also  To meet with Austrian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow on Monday; The Ukrainian economy is collapsing

To learn more, read our article on this topic:

read more: War in Ukraine: President of the Russian Orthodox Church under pressure from Catholics and Protestants

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