“All elements” are on Russia’s “strong offensive,” according to Jean-Yves Le Trian

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9:24 pm : “As new Russian forces continue to advance on the Ukrainian border, it is very likely that Russia will decide to take military action, perhaps more than ever.”

The United States said it had not seen it “There is no definite sign of a rise or fall” On the Russia-Ukraine border, US diplomatic spokesman Nate Price promises. “An invasion, like we said, could start at any time.”He adds.

9:19 pm : “Diplomacy has one more important opportunity” In the current crisis around Ukraine, trust British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and US President Joe Biden who spoke on the phone. The leaders reiterated that infiltration into Ukraine “Significant damage to Russia and the world, leading to a protracted crisis for Russia”Boris Johnson’s spokeswoman said after the call.

9:05 pm : US still thinks Russian President Vladimir Putin did not take his own “Final End” Whether or not to occupy Ukraine, but Military action can happen at any time, Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said at a news conference. He also announced a visit by US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin to NATO headquarters in Brussels and later to Poland and Lithuania.

8:58 pm : The United States has decided to move its embassy in Ukraine from Kiev to the western city of Lviv. “Spectacular acceleration” US diplomat Anthony Blingen has announced the deployment of Russian troops on the border. “Embassy will be in contact with the Government of Ukraine” Corn “We urge US citizens in Ukraine to leave the country immediately.”He added.

8:04 pm : It’s time to dump her and move on.

என்றாலும் The Pyrénées-Orientales fire chief says the task of rescuing a third building affected by the explosion and the subsequent fire that affected several buildings in Saint-Laurent-de-la-Salanque could be completed, although at least one person is missing. “The last few days”. Here’s what we know about this play.

French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Trian, rated “C à vous” on the show. “All components” Gathered for a military offensive “Strong” From Russia to Ukraine. Follow our lives.

A preliminary investigation into “internal trade” has been opened against former Orpea Group CEO Yves Le Masne.The Office of the National Attorney for Finance announces the sale of thousands of shares before the scandal.

Four people are under investigation in Paris, more than five years after the assassination of pastor Jacques Hemel at his church near Rouen. The first day was devoted to the course of the defendants. Back to this first day trial.

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7:43 pm : “Does Ukraine have all the elements for a strong offensive by Russian forces? It’s true, it’s possible there, it’s possible soon.”

French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian was the guest of honor at the “C à vous” event in France 5. “Vladimir Putin wants to prevent Ukraine from having its sovereignty and integrity. He only wants a rump state on his doorstep.”The Minister of External Affairs said.

6:29 p.m. : Russia says it has no intention of invading Ukraine, but the situation on the ground indicates otherwise. Satellite images actually show the concentration of resources around the Ukrainian border, documented directly over the weeks by Internet users who specialize in image research. One of these researchers on the web tells of this hunt.

6:09 p.m. : Here’s a new point in this message:

என்றாலும் The Pyrénées-Orientales fire chief says the task of rescuing a third building affected by the explosion and the subsequent fire that affected several buildings in Saint-Laurent-de-la-Salanque could be completed, although at least one person is missing. “The last few days”. Here’s what we know about this play.

திலும் Despite Moscow announcing the end of some military exercises, Russia has further strengthened its military position on the Ukrainian border over the weekend, Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said. Follow our lives.

விசாரணை The trial of Nordahl Lelandais continues in the Assize Court of Isère. In the afternoon two expert psychologists were interviewed. “Mythology is stable” To the accused, one of them said.

4:21 p.m. : “Russia’s military operations on the Ukrainian border are incomprehensible. There are no legitimate reasons for such a military standstill.

During a press conference with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zhelensky ahead of his visit to Moscow, German Chancellor Olaf Scholes called for the annexation of Russia. “Conversation Offers” Led to a reduction in the severity of the Ukrainian crisis.

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3:13 p.m. : When tensions with Russia are high, about forty countries recommend (or even order) their compatriots to leave Ukraine. So in between the search “From a safe place” And to “Follow orders”Foreigners are leaving the country. Evidence.

2:23 p.m. : Here’s a new point in this message:

At least Seven people died Explosion and fire at a building in Saint-Laurent-de-la-Salanque (Pyrénées-Orientales)

Russia has announced that there is “Luck” To solve Ukrainian crisis At a time when Western nations fear that tensions will escalate into an armed conflict, through diplomatic channels. Conversation opportunities “Not exhausted”This was underlined by the head of Russian diplomacy, Sergei Lavrov.

விசாரணை The inquest into the assassination of Pastor Jacques Hamel opens in Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray (Seine-Maritime) in Paris, six years after the attack on a small church.

1:45 p.m. : British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has called on Vladimir Putin to step down “Decline” In Ukraine. “The situation is very dangerous and difficult”The leader assessed on British television that the Russian invasion was possible “Within the next 48 hours”.

12:43 p.m. : This is the afternoon. Are here Important news headlines :

At least Seven people died Inside Building explosion and fire In Saint-Laurent-de-la-Salanque (Pyrénées-Orientales).

• One Man Killed in Gare du Nord He is suspected to be by two police officers in Paris Threatened with a knife. The investigation has been launched.

விசாரணை The inquest into the assassination of Father Jacques Hamel in Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray (Seine-Maritime) opens in Paris, six years after the attack on a small church.

The United States has repeatedly said that Ukraine could be invaded “any time” By Russia After the failure of the last diplomatic efforts. German Chancellor Olaf Scholes is in Kiev today and will be in Moscow tomorrow.

French Gabriella Papadakis and Guillo Cicero Won the Olympic title At the ice dance, at the end of a specially conducted competition. This is France’s eleventh medal in Beijing and third in gold.

12:04 German Chancellor Olaf Scholes arrives in Ukraine to discuss threat of Russian invasion The two leaders will attend a press conference early in the afternoon.

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11:49 : German Chancellor Olaf Scholes travels to Kiev (Ukraine), where he will hold new talks to defuse the crisis. “We expect immediate signs of escalation from Moscow”He wrote on Twitter. “And military aggression will have far-reaching consequences for Russia.”

08:59 : Ukraine calls for emergency meeting with Russia and OSCE (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe). “Within 48 hours”. Kiev has been accused of not sharing information about its massive force moves along the Moscow border. Vienna Document, An OSCE text (In PDF)Promotes measures for transparency between the 57 member armed forces of the organization.

07:49 : The threat of conflict still exists in Ukraine. In the country, reservists train for war and train civilian volunteers for war. franceinfo I was able to attend one of these training sessions. The government wants to recruit more than 100,000 people to join the “regional security forces” in support of the armed forces.

The government aims to employ about 130,000 citizens.  (Benjamin Illy / Radio France)

Roumilla, 59, volunteered to join the Kyiv Regional Security Force.  (Benjamin Illy / Radio France)

(Benjamin Illy / Radio France)

07:38 : இதோ Important news headlines :

French Gabriella Papadakis and Guillo Cicero Won the Olympic title At the ice dance, at the end of a specially conducted competition. This is France’s eleventh medal in Beijing and third in gold.

The United States has repeatedly said that Ukraine could be invaded “any time” By Russia After the failure of the last diplomatic efforts. German Chancellor Olaf Scholes is in Kiev today and in Moscow tomorrow.

About 1,300 vehicles Lily stood nearby (North), according to police, ahead of a rally against the planned health pass in Brussels (Belgium) today.

“New France” And personal contact: Valérie Pécresse held his first large gathering in Paris in the presence of several thousand activists. “I Defend the French Identity, True”, She hammered.

• Los Angeles Rams won second Super Bowl Their history Cincinnati defeated the Bengals (23-20). As usual, A great show Hosted the American Football Summit halfway through.

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