We know more about what caused the floods in Dubai

Water flooding Dubai's streets has raised questions about their origins. A worsening of rainfall associated with global warming and a geoengineering experiment gone wrong are two of the most common hypotheses. And yet, according to the government and scientists, both of these hypotheses should probably be…rejected!

A week after devastating floods hit Dubai, the city is still struggling to drain the water and deal with damage to streets and buildings. One to two years' worth of rain has fallen in some parts of the district desertdesert. UAE has never seen so much rain in 24 hours. Suffice it to think of a non-natural origin, especially in a country that continues to practice geoengineering. Also, the National Meteorological Center in the United Arab Emirates told CNBC No cloud seeding experiments were conducted in the days or hours preceding severe storms.

There is no evidence that climate change played a role

For his part, creature ClimameterIts purpose is to determine the causes of events Weather reportWeather report In earnest, his analysis was published. The phenomenon is described as unique, and above all, the researchers believe there is no evidence that the torrential rains have been significantly worsened by human-caused climate change. They compared the intensity of these rainstorms with similar events in the past (1979-2001) to try to understand the differences. These types of depressions are slightly deeper today (between 2001 and 2023) and have much less rainfall (3 mm more) than in the past. Temperatures have increased by an average of +1°C and weather conditions are generally dry in the region. There is no clear evidence that warming has led to more precipitation in this scenario, although it remains a possibility.

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A unique phenomenon, it is difficult to draw conclusions

On the other hand, the authors believe that natural parameters such as the Pacific Decadal Oscillation and the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (ocean surface temperature variations) certainly played a role. So the natural variability probably created a very intense depression, a cold drop with very little rain, and perhaps slightly worsened by warming, but not definitively.

However, we would like to point out that the authors of the study still believe that their results are not entirely reliable due to the unique nature of rainfall in the region. When an event repeats itself over time it is possible to draw precise conclusions about the disaster and connect known causes, but in the case of Dubai, the event occurred in complete isolation.

Is the rain in Dubai related to the out-of-hand experience?

Article by Karin Durand, written on April 17, 2024

A part of the United Arab Emirates received a staggering rainfall equivalent to nearly two years on Tuesday. Dubai's desert, city and airport were submerged in water. While some point to the impact of climate change, others raise the question of cloud seeding.

Dubai City was drenched in torrential rain this Tuesday: 127 mm of rain in 24 hours, equivalent to more than a year and a half of rain, and two years of rain for other cities inland (more than 250 mm).

A look at the satellite images shows a series of thunderstorms passing through the UAE. These ultra-violent cells attracted their attention EnergyEnergy In the unusually warm waters of the Persian Gulf.

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These storms are trapped in the area by a low pressure system, a cold drop, and wind waves. jet streamjet stream over several days.

A question of a decadent experience

It is now accepted by the scientific community that global warming increases the amount of precipitation in depressions and storm clouds, so global temperature increases have exacerbated this phenomenon.

But the UAE is known for its many cloud seeding experiments. The government continues to use this controversial technique of injecting products into existing clouds to bring more rain to dry areas.

Effects vary and results are not permanent. Could this precipitation be linked to degraded cloud seeding? This cannot be confirmed without confirmation from the government.

Sand also sows clouds

Even if this Tuesday's event was exceptional, remember that the Emirates is often hit by rainstorms, and this event is partly linked to particles. SandSand A desert that naturally plays a role in seeding clouds. Earlier in the day, Algeria was also hit by exceptional rainfall associated with the same weather conditions, again equivalent to a year's worth of rainfall in Qardaya and Overclaw.

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