Demonstrations in support of protests in Iran degenerate in Paris

The police had to use tear gas shells to disperse the crowd.

French police used tear gas on Sunday to disperse hundreds of people who marched in Paris against a crackdown on protests in Iran, according to AFP journalists.

This was the second consecutive demonstration in two days in Paris against the death in custody of Mahza Amini, 22, who was arrested by morality police in Tehran on September 13.Wearing inappropriate clothesIt was joined by another tense rally near the Iranian embassy in London. “Protesters broke police roadblocks and threw projectiles at officers“, British police announced in a press release, as they announced five arrests.

The Paris march, which left the Place du Trocadero and marched towards the Iranian embassy, ​​chanted “.Woman, Life, Freedom!“, an echo of the demonstrators in Iran, or even”Enough of the silence, France“. French President Emmanuel Macron shook hands with Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi during a meeting on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly in New York on September 20. Participants were particularly focused on restarting the international agreement on Tehran’s nuclear program. .

Several groups of demonstrators joined the demonstration, which was announced in support of the protests in Iran, from the Iena location.. Demonstrators, some 4,000 strong, tried several times to break through the roadblock to access the Iranian embassy. At that time, the security forces stopped them using interim intervention. A few hundred people got out of the way and repeatedly tried to break through the roadblocks. They finally made their way to the Place du Trocadero, where they disbanded. Also, one person was arrested for contempt and agitation and a police officer was slightly injured.“, says the police headquarters in Picaro

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Same scene in London

As they approached the embassy, ​​police repeatedly fired tear gas to block protesters who tried to cross their ramp, barring access to the Islamic Republic’s diplomatic mission, according to the same sources. “Considering what is happening now, we Iranians, we are really mobilized, and we have to react considering that we are far away from our homeland, our country.“, AFP told a Franco-Iranian demonstrator who wanted to be identified only by her first name, Nina.

Meanwhile, tensions flared during protests outside the Iranian embassy in London. Projectiles were thrown at the building and the police had to push back the radical protesters.

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