During the investigation, the police illegally used the data of the anti-Govt

In November 2021, when a person died at a liquor store, the police illegally used the personal data contained in the application to identify witnesses.

Mainz (Germany) police investigation has drawn criticism from bars and restaurants, such as the French TousAntiCovid, for using anti-Govt surveillance processors to help register their customers and ensure data security.

The lawsuit was probably started in late 2021, but only recently: on November 29, a man from the Mines (West) restaurant suffered a fatal fall.

To find any evidence, the local police decided to use the Luca app, which is one of the most widespread, allowing restaurants and bars to register customers to trace in case of pollution.

Data for illegal use

This access allowed 21 people to be contacted, to whom the Mainz Attorney’s Office apologized. The Local Data Protection Commission has announced it will begin an investigation.

“The current case is serious because the legal ban on the use of contact tracking data for police purposes is clearly and unequivocally engraved in the Infectious Diseases Act,” states Stephen Prink, who manages the German response to the Govt epidemic this Tuesday, January 11th. Commissioner of Defense for Baden-Württemberg at Business Daily Handelsblatt.

The Luca app records the place and time of stay, full name, address and phone number. This German application has several firewalls to protect data. Only one health service can access the data of registered customers.

Infection is a false case

As of last October, the application requested more than 35 million users in Germany, which has a population of 83 million.

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However, to conduct their investigation, the police and the local prosecutor requested a health service that agreed to say that an infection case had been detected in order to give investigators access to the data.

“We condemn the misuse of data from the Luca app collected for protection against infections,” condemns Culture4life, the German company that runs the app.

According to the company, these types of requests are routine, but never processed.

“Security breaches raise vital doubts about how important data is stored without effective protection and how disgruntled health services and this case (in Maine) deal with the Luca processor and the security issues raised,” he warned. The Liberal Party FDP is a member of the new coalition in power.

Victoria Burnes with AFP

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