Emmanuel Macron announced that France stands with Brazil, which is developing nuclear power.

French President Emmanuel Macron and Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva celebrated the strategic partnership between the two countries on Wednesday March 27 when they launched a Franco-Brazilian submarine near Rio de Janeiro.

On the second day of his visit to Brazil, Mr. Macron met Lula at the ultramodern Itaguay shipyard to launch a fourth submarine of conventional propulsion French design. Under a cloudy sky, submersible Donnellero Baptized by Brazilian First Lady Rosangela da Silva, known as “Janja”.

The two heads of state underlined the importance of this partnership in a world tested by wars and crises. That “It will allow two important countries on a continent to be ready to face this adversity, without worrying about any kind of war, because we have been the guardians of peace at all times of our history.”Started Lula.

“The Same View of the World”

Persuasion – despite disagreements, especially in Ukraine – “The Same View of the World” Between Paris and Brasilia, Mr. Macron said: “The great peace powers Brazil and France must recognize that in an increasingly disorderly world, we sometimes need to know how to use assertive language to preserve peace.”

Wednesday's ceremony dates back to December 2008 and saw then-French President Nicolas Sarkozy and former Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva sign a broad accord to great fanfare.

In addition to the sale of 50 Caracal helicopters, this includes a €6.7 billion contract to improve Brazil's submarine capabilities and its industry. For this project, Prosup, which aims to protect the 8,500 kilometers of coastline of the Latin American mainland, the Brazilian Navy chose to work with the French Naval Defense Industrial Fleet Group.

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The DonnelleroLaunched Wednesday, it is the third of four conventionally operational Scorpenes planned as part of a broader partnership signed in 2008.AngosturaTo be launched in 2025.

Additionally, the agreement would allow Brazil to design and build its first nuclear-powered attack submarineAlvaro Alberto. “Fourth, fifth, but I want to open the chapter for new submarines (…) “We face nuclear pushback in the face while fully respecting all the strictest non-proliferation commitments.”Mr. Macron said. “This structure exists, it is possible. You need it. France will be on your side »He added, but without announcing aid to Brazil to develop nuclear power.

Technology Transfers

Brasilia is seeking to increase its technology exchanges with Paris to integrate nuclear reactors into submarines and sell equipment connected to nuclear propulsion (turbines, generators). If Brazil wants to acquire nuclear technology, it's not about waging war. We want this knowledge to assure all peace-loving countries that Brazil will be on their side., Lula said. Due to the challenges of nuclear proliferation, France is very reluctant to any technology transfer in this area.

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The French President will then travel to the economic capital of Sao Paulo to extol the excellence of French companies in Brazil and promote France to Brazilian investors. Emmanuel Macron will also announce “Health Package”In Brazil and Latin America, at the inauguration of the Pasteur Institute in Sao Paulo, with French dedications.

On Thursday, Lula will welcome the French president to the capital, Brasilia, at the Planaldo presidential palace for discussions on key international issues.

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On Tuesday evening, Emmanuel Macron and Lula announced a plan aimed at cultivating the lush ecosystem of the Amazon rainforest. “One Billion Euro Investments” Green for the Brazilian Amazon and French Guiana side.

Also Read | The article is reserved for our subscribers Between France and Brazil, an understanding was rediscovered

March 27 at 6:16 p.m. : Correction of error by Agence France-Presse in transcription of Emmanuel Macron's comments on the nature of French cooperation with Brazil on nuclear propulsion.

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