Four children, including a baby, survived alone 15 days after the crash in the Amazon

On Wednesday, May 17, the Colombian president said it was “a joy for the country.” Gustavo Pedro The discovery of the four children, including an eleven-month-old baby who survived alone for more than 15 days in the Amazon jungle after the small plane they were traveling in with their mother crashed in early May, was declared safe and sound, along with the other two adults on board.

After the clue was found, more than a hundred soldiers were “on the trail” of the children with the help of sniffer dogs, giving them hope that the unthinkable was possible.

How four minors aged thirteen, nine and four and an 11-month-old baby managed to survive more than 15 days of wandering in the virgin forest between Kaqueta sector where the small plane was found. Monday’s vertical nose was crushed to the ground in dense vegetation, and Guerreira, in the south. Colombia.

Shadow areas

The Cessna 206 disappeared from radar on May 1 near San Jose del Guerrier. Officials first announced the discovery on Monday, saying the pilot’s lifeless body was still on the plane, but there was no sign of the six passengers around. Later on Tuesday, they announced that they had found the bodies of the mother and a third man, whose identity has not been released. The missing children belong to the same siblings and belong to the Uitoto tribe.

Many gray areas now persist in the course of events after the plane crash. The forest is particularly dense and dangerous in this remote area, and the search was made difficult by wild animals, trees measuring up to 40 meters high, and heavy rains.

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But on Tuesday officials found they had personal effects, as well as some fruit. And a bottle near the device. Rescue teams found “a makeshift shelter made of sticks and branches”, maintaining hope that at least one survivor might have survived. In photos provided to the press, tags that appeared to be scissors and hair bands could be seen, new clues that helped guide rescuers.


The Air Force joined the relief operation named “HOPE” with three helicopters. In one of these devices, a loudspeaker that “can cover an area of ​​approximately 1,500 meters” broadcasts a message recorded by the children’s grandmother. In the Uitoto language, the woman tells her grandchildren that she needs them and to stay where they are to help find them.

Officials did not say why the family took the flight. But residents of the region are often forced to travel by small planes, especially because of the lack of roads, which make it difficult to get around.

According to Colombia’s National Indigenous Organization (ONIC), the Uitoto live “in harmony” in the forest and maintain traditions such as hunting, fishing and gathering wild fruits.

The cause of the accident is yet to be ascertained. According to Civil Defense, the pilot had reported engine trouble before the plane disappeared from radar.

With AFP

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