G7 countries have pledged to stop importing Russian oil “gradually”.

After more than two months of peace, Iran says Ukraine is at war

The country has not yet condemned the Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24. Iran has finally declared itself against war in Ukraine and wants a political solution to the conflict.

Diplomatic leader Hossain Amir-Abdullahian’s remarks during a joint press conference with his Polish envoy to Tehran, Zbigniew Rau. Mr. Rao embarked on a voyage on Saturday evening at the invitation of the Iranian side, for the first time since 2014. His country provides military assistance to Ukraine.

“We are against the war in Ukraine, just as we are against the war in Yemen, Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq or anywhere in the world.”The Iranian minister said at a joint press conference.

We believe that the solution in Ukraine is politics and that political talks between Russia and Ukraine should end the war.

During his visit, the Polish Foreign Minister and his Iranian Foreign Minister are scheduled to sign “Agreement on Cooperation in the Fields of Culture, Education, Science, Sports, Youth and the Media”Said the Iranian minister.

But this visit also has a symbolic aspect. According to the Polish press, Mr. Rao paid tribute on Sunday in Tehran “Victims of War” In Ukraine, he went to the cemetery where many of his comrades were deported to the Soviet Union at the beginning of World War II.

Following the treaty with the Soviet Union, the deportees were released and then taken refuge in Iran in 1942. “If we look back, we can not forget the suffering of the people today.”The Polish press quoted Mr. Rao said.

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