Govt-19 in Brittany: Degeneration continues, all indicators confirm it – Brittany

10,350 positive cases per week

Brittany recorded 10,350 positive cases a week, 1,227 more than the previous week (9,123) and fifteen days (5,999) 4,351 more.
In the past week, the highest number of cases (3,926) has been reported in Ille-et-Vilaine alone, ahead of Morbihan (2,877), Finistère (2,181) and Côtes-d ‘Armor (1366).

Since the outbreak, 220,055 people in the region have tested positive for Kovit-19.

The event rate explodes Again

With 306.7 cases (+ 56.8 points!) Per 100,000 citizens, the incidence rate has exploded again this week.

The positive rate is slightly higher (5.5% in the previous week, 5.3%).

24 deaths in a week

In Britain this week (15 weeks ago) 24 people died of Kovit-19 disease. A total of 1,864 people have died from Govt-19 in the region since the outbreak.

427 people are currently hospitalized

427 people are currently hospitalized due to Govt-19 (76 more than last Friday). 48 of them are in intensive care (+2 compared to last Friday).

106 clusters, including 41 in Ille-at-Price

For Brittany, this Friday, 106 clusters are under investigation (14 more than last week).

– 41 in Ille-et-Vilaine (3 in the nursery, 1 in the professional environment, 17 in the school and university environment, 8 in the healthcare institution, 2 in the institution for the disabled, 4 in the EHPAD and 6 in the private sector).
– Morbihan 40 (3 in the professional environment, 18 in the school and university environment, 2 in the institution for the disabled, 4 in the healthcare sector, 9 in the EHPAD and 4 in the private sector).
– Finistère 17 (1 in the nursery, 3 in the professional environment, 4 in the school and university environment, 4 in the healthcare institution, 1 in the institution for the disabled, 1 in EHPAD and 3 in the private sector).
– There are Côtes-d’armor 8 (2 in schools and universities, 1 in institutions for the disabled, 2 in EHPAD and 3 in the private sector).

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