Govt-19: UK mourns 150,000 deaths … but sees little hope

The UK has crossed the symbolic milestone of 150,000 deaths from Govt disease since the onset of the REFLUX-epidemic. On the other hand, daily pollution is declining slightly, and the number of people being hospitalized for the first time since Christmas has dropped slightly.

With 313 new deaths from Govt disease reported this Saturday, the number of epidemics in the United Kingdom has reached 150,057, making it one of the saddest countries in Europe (after Russia, at 315,000). After rising above 200,000 on January 4, the number of daily pollutants has dropped for several days. With the silence or light or end of the tunnel, the total number of people admitted to the hospital this Saturday has dropped for the first time since Christmas.

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Omigron variant: the planet that is vigilant

“Corona virus is having a major impact on our country”Prime Minister Boris Johnson tweeted. “Death toll rises to 150,000 today”. Mourning was observed yesterday in the United Kingdom, which recorded the highest number since the outbreak of the epidemic and the first official death on March 7, 2020.

While 146,390 cases have been reported in the last 24 hours, the number of positive cases is still high, but the epidemic, on the other hand, seems to be declining since January 5th. On the other hand, the pollution is slowly declining from the peak of more than 218,000 recorded on January 4th.

The figures were meticulously researched in France

Another person drew attention yesterday, not to the UK, but to the whole of England. With the lowest drop in the number of hospital admissions to Govt patients to 129 yesterday, there is hope for an end to the crisis.

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The 18,454 people admitted to hospital due to covit in the kingdom are putting more pressure on the British health system, but this is less than it was in previous waves. However, the wave of Omigran variation creates an event that was low during previous epidemics: the shortage of affected hospital staff is increasing, and the system is crippling.

Read more

  • Covid-19: A week earlier than France, what do the latest data in the UK say?
  • Omigron Variation: Pollution, Hospitalization, Mortality … What We Learn From the United Kingdom and South Africa

British figures in France are being closely monitored, where the eruption is believed to be a week late. The impact of contaminants and hospital admissions is yet to be confirmed, but across the channel, it will be difficult to avoid seeing a (distant) light at the end of the tunnel.

In the same case

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