Govt – Omigran: 25 million people locked up in two phases in Shanghai from Monday to prevent an epidemic

The eastern part of Shanghai will be allowed to test its population for five days from Monday, followed by the western part from April 1 for the same period.

Shanghai, with a total population of 25 million, will be locked east of the Huangpu River for four days starting Monday, including the city’s financial center and industrial areas. According to a press release issued this Sunday by the local government of Shanghai, a new prison is located in the western part of the city for four more days.

Chinese health officials this Sunday, March 27, recorded more than 4,500 new cases, a declining number, but higher than the average for new daily infections, barely double digits a day for the past two years.

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Therefore, emergency measures have been taken to control as soon as possible the outbreaks of epidemics that have accumulated in recent days in Shanghai and neighboring parts of this megalopolis.

As the number of cases increased, the city government announced the implementation of a two-step prison system. “To prevent the spread of the disease, the safety and health of the people must be ensured“And”Eliminate infectious diseases quickly“.

The eastern part of the city, known as Pudong, which includes the main international airport and the financial district, will be locked as part of a comprehensive Govt check operation that runs from Monday morning until May 1. April.

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On April 1, the government announced that the western part of the city, known as Buxi, would be closed for five days.

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