Govt-19: Boris Johnson announces the end of most restrictions in the UK

Reduction – UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced on Wednesday that he would end next week most of the health restrictions imposed in the UK to combat the Omigran variant.

Will these cuts come to us soon? This Wednesday, the United Kingdom was hit hard by the Omigron wave, vision “Light at the end of the tunnel. Prime Minister Boris Johnson has called on parliament to lift last-ditch restrictions in the UK.

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Variation Omigron: The most cautious planet

More than 153,017 people have died since the outbreak began, and by the end of 2021 the country was experiencing an Omigran uprising. During this period, the UK experienced records of daily pollution, reaching more than 200,000 positive cases on December 14th. However, contaminants began to decrease drastically and hospitalization was gradually confirmed. Recent data show that the number of new weekly cases has dropped by almost 40%. The number of intensive care patients who were low during the Omigron wave is also declining.

No more “restrictions”, “recommendations”

Faced with these reassuring statistics, “Omigron wave now peaks nationally” Based on the latest British scientific advice, Boris Johnson urged in Parliament. As well as “With the spread of Govt., Legal obligations should be replaced with advice and recommendations. “, He pointed out.

Therefore, from Thursday, January 27, wearing a mask will not be legally mandatory, but will only be recommended in closed and congested areas. The blue rectangle is also being dropped from Thursday in schools. On the other hand, the Health Pass is no longer charged for access to nightclubs and some large gatherings. Teleworking, which is reinforced in France, is not already recommended in Elizabeth II.

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The conservative leader, who is often criticized for the chaotic management of the health crisis, has announced plans to end isolation for positive cases and has already reduced it to five days with negative tests. “We do not seek to isolate people legally if they have the flu.”, He justified himself, and at the same time wanted to show “Be careful, because the epidemic is not over yet”.

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However, according to the conservative leader, this relief is possible for two reasons: large-scale screening and a large-scale vaccination campaign.

According to government statistics, 83% of Britons over the age of 12 have already received two doses of the Covit-19 vaccine, and nearly 64% have received a booster dose, the majority of those over 60 in the UK. . In front of the delegates, Boris Johnson again called on the British for the third time not to extend their hands, arguing that “about 90%” of people in intensive care did not have one.

Read more

  • Kovit-19: How does Omicron affect the UK healthcare system?
  • Govt-19: UK mourns 150,000 deaths … but sees little hope

Earlier in the week, the Scottish Independent government announced on Monday that it would lift most restrictions, allowing nightclubs to reopen and removing the limit for indoor encounters to three homes. And in the West, Wales, like its neighbors, continues to see a drop in cases and plans to phase out the virus.

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