His fiance confessed in writing before committing suicide: The epic of the murder of American KP Pettito?

Deadly disappearance

KP Pettito, 22, a young American traveler, was found strangled last summer by his friend Brian Laundry.

This Friday, January 21st, the FBI noted that there was laundry “Responsibility requested” In a note written before the suicide.

Brian Laundry and KP Pettito set off from New York in July 2021 in a relocated van for a four-month trip to the American West National Parks. They shared their adventure on Instagram and YouTube. The young woman was reported missing in a chaotic situation and her body was found a month later, on September 19, 2021, near Grand Dayton National Park in Wyoming.

An autopsy revealed that the young woman had died.Injuries to the head and neck caused by a blunt object, strangulation by hand “, According to the medical examiner.

Suspicion fell on his deputy Brian Laundry, who returned earlier than planned from his trip on September 1, 2021. Investigators were shocked to find that he had disappeared on October 20 before his remains were found. , 2021 in Florida Nature Conservation. He committed suicide.

A new indictable element

This week, in a press release, the FBI denies any other trace or involvement of other individuals in the assassination of KP Pettito, and points out that new elements are blaming the young woman’s fiance. He confessed to the crime in a notebook found near his body.

Investigators found the notebook shortly after Brian Lottery’s body was found.

However, the status of this document required several months of research. He actually spent several days in the swamps of Florida, near the body of the man who committed suicide with a bullet in the head while being searched by police.

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The trial will end soon

As FB points out, the trial will close soon. Thus stated in that statement “All logical proceedings in this case have been completed.”. What else, “No one other than Brian Laundry has been identified in the investigation into the tragic death of Coffee Pettito. Throughout the investigation, the FBI’s primary goal has been to bring justice to KP and his family. The public has a role to play in helping us in this endeavor..

The U.S. Bureau of Investigation is also interested “Express [sa] Many thanks to the public for the thousands of tips provided during the investigation and to local, state and federal law enforcement partners for their work throughout the investigation. On September 12, 2021, after the FBI received information from KP’s family that Miss Petito was missing, MS. Pettito has launched an investigation into the disappearance. “, Was it specifically pointed out?

American company says it has Brian Laundry “Miss Pettito tried to fool law enforcement by pretending to be still alive“.

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