Iran has announced that it will supply 40 turbines to Russia

The two countries, which have the world’s largest gas reserves, are subject to heavy US sanctions.

Iran signed an agreement with Russia on Sunday, October 23, to “supply.40 inducersIt is intended to help the country’s gas industry, which has been hit by Western sanctions because of its invasion of Ukraine. “Industrial successes“From Iran”Not just in the field of missiles and dronesExecutive Director of Iran Gas Company (Iranian Gas Engineering and Development Company) said.

Currently, 85% of the installations and equipment required for the gas industry are produced within the country, and taking into account this potential, an agreement was recently signed to export 40 Iranian-made turbines to Russia.said the official. He did not specify when the contract was signed or when the turbines are expected to be delivered.

Russia has cut or interrupted its supplies to several European countries following sanctions imposed by the West after its February 24 invasion of Ukraine, sending energy prices soaring. The Kremlin says the sanctions prevent it from maintaining Russia’s gas infrastructure, particularly the return of a Siemens turbine sent to Canada for repairs. Westerners have accused Russia of using gas supplies.armed“.

“Increase their cooperation”

According to an Iranian industry leader, US sanctions against Russia are aimed at cutting Moscow out of the gas market.One of the biggest competitorsThis market is from the United States. Both Russia and Iran, home to some of the world’s largest gas reserves, are subject to heavy US sanctions. Both countries have emphasized the importance of increasing their cooperation in recent months.

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Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi told his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in mid-September that he would build cooperation between the two countries.Strong“.

The Russian president visited Tehran in July, where he met with President Raisi and the Supreme Leader of the Iranian Revolution, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and he was a “Long term cooperationStrong with Moscow. Tehran recently denied supplying Russia with weapons used in attacks in Ukraine in response to accusations by Kyiv and its Western allies that Moscow is using Iranian-made drones in Ukraine.

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