Kim Kardashian supported a truck driver who was sentenced to 110 years in prison after the crash

The young truck driver who was sentenced to 110 years in prison for accidentally killing four people has caused controversy in the United States. Millions of Americans, including reality star Kim Kardashian, are calling for the sentence to be reconsidered.

Judge Bruce Jones, who presided over the trial of Rogel Aguilera-Mederos, said in his ruling last week that he would not have granted such a stern sanction “if he had had the power”.

But Colorado laws automatically force him to accumulate prison sentences related to charges he has been convicted of by an arbitral tribunal: a total of 27, some of which are “violent offenses” in the eyes of local law.

The play is not far from Denver on April 25, 2019. Rogel Aguilera-Mederos said he was driving in a semi-trailer loaded with wood on a highway when his brakes failed to land.

4 people died

The truck finished its run at 130km / h Accident. A total of 28 vehicles were trapped in the pile, some of which were set on fire in shock. Four were killed and six were injured.

The driver was charged with negligence and making disastrous choices during his insane race. According to the lawyer’s services, the young man may have kept his truck on a trail specially designed for emergency stops, but may have opted to stay on the highway in the middle of traffic.

4.5 million signature petition

His lawyer, James Colcan, told ABC Television that his client “may have been guilty of gross negligence” but the sentence was “completely unequal”.

Faced with such seriousness, a petition was launched on asking the Colorado authorities to apologize to the young man. As of Wednesday morning, more than 4.5 million signatures had been collected on the petition.

Reality TV star Kim Kardashian, Who takesAttorney, Also flirted with the young man’s fate on Twitter, calling on Colorado Governor Jared to “do the right thing”.

The governor said the clemency petition had been received and was being investigated. For their part, attorney services pointed out that they had requested a new trial to reconsider Rogel Aguilera-Maduros’ sentence, which was granted “in exceptional cases” by Colorado law.

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