Kovit – Omigron: Israeli study of the 4th dose confirms its low efficacy against pollution

A study conducted in Israel on the 4th dose of the vaccine found that it did not provide adequate protection against the omigran variant of Govit-19.

“After the third dose, we see an increase in antibodies. However, we find that many people affected by Omigran have taken the fourth dose. There are still a lot of infections, albeit a little lower.”, Accredited Professor Kylie Rekev-Yoche, Associate Author of this study, reports i24News, The beginning of which already led to disappointing results.

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Kovit – Disappointment in Israel: 4th dose less effective than expected

One week after the start of this clinical trial, it should last for more than six months. “Antibodies (participants, author’s note) are multiplied by five, which indicates that the vaccine is active and provides protection against serious complications.”, She was still amused.

“Not enough against Omigron”

Led by a team from Sheba Hospital in Tel Aviv, the study was conducted on a team of 154 caregivers, 4 of whom received.e 120 volunteers received a dose of Pfizer vaccine (second booster) and a fourth dose of Moderna’s serum.

“The vaccine against alpha and delta is excellent, but its main feature is that it is not sufficient for omigran.” However, Professor Rekev-Yose also said that these were only preliminary results at present.

Assign the 4th dose to the older ones

The epidemiologist finally pointed out that a fourth dose of the vaccine should be given to those at risk. “Probably a good idea”. However, the recommendations currently in force in Israel – especially the 4th injection for those over 60 – should be modified to include only the elderly.

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Israel, a pioneer in the vaccination campaign against Kovit, became the first country in the world to launch a 4th dose vaccination campaign for children last December.

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