Boris Johnson plans to stay in Downing Street, the last ditch

Enthusiasm on Downing Street is at an all-time high as the series of “drug parties” on the British administration’s premises during the 2020 and 2021 health restrictions will not stop damaging scandals and directly threaten Johnson. In recent days, the British media have published plans drawn up by the President to hasten his order. Named Operation Save the Big Dog and Operation Red Meat, the latter program deploys populist activities aimed at undermining the intuition of Tory MPs holding Mr Johnson’s fate in their hands. Half a dozen of them have publicly demanded his resignation and about twenty have already sent letters of no confidence to the powerful club of the Doris Committee elected in 1922 – the latter seeking 54 votes of confidence in the Prime Minister.

To understand the context: The article is reserved for our subscribers Boris Johnson’s future is in jeopardy after new holiday revelations during the lockout

Saving the big dog ‘action may involve sacrificing some officers – probably Dan Rosenfield, staff director of Downing Street and Martin Reynolds, Mr Johnson’s private secretary who extended invitations to the BYOB party “(” Bring your own liquor “) On May 20, 2020, in full enclosure. This may have been triggered after Sue Gray, a senior civil servant (Mr. Johnson) who sheds light on “drug parties” in Downing Street, issued a statement. MMe Gray may have completed his trial by this weekend. The Labor opposition and the media, almost unanimously, have already accused Mr Johnson of “saving the big dog” of being a crude maneuver and blaming others for prison violations.

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Read more The article is reserved for our subscribers United Kingdom: The series “Puss Parties” on Downing Street in the midst of an epidemic

Ask the Royal Navy to prevent the arrival of immigrants

Operation “Red Meat” was not considered very certain. At the end of January, Mr. Johnson is said to want to remove. This result makes sense if the rapid rise of the omigron wave is confirmed. The plan to appeal to the Royal Navy to prevent the arrival of immigrants on the British coast seems too dangerous.

The number of successful crossings of the canal from France by 2021 has risen (to about 28,000), which has caused considerable political trouble for elected conservatives. Many supported Brexit, believing it would allow the country “Take control” Its boundaries. In the House of Commons on Monday, January 17, Home Secretary Priti Patel did not go into details and the Home Office confirmed it. “Worked” As the Ministry of Defense “Important Operational Partner” Against Illegal Immigration. What task will be assigned to the military? Was France informed? A Downing Street spokesman declined “Guess” Monday but clarified: “We are looking at all possible options to control the arrival of immigrants, the Royal Navy is one of them.”

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