Kyiv accuses the Russians of wanting to “destroy Donbass,” which will continue to be defended.

On Sunday, April 17, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zhelensky accused Russia of liking him. “Clear” The entire eastern part of the Donbass, surrounded by soldiers, began at the strategic port of Mariupol, called to fight, and promised that everything would be done to defend it. “Until the end”. “Russian soldiers are preparing to attack the east of our country in the future. They want to finish and destroy Donbass.”In a video message, Mr. Scored Zhelensky.

“Just as the Russian army is destroying Mariupol, they want to destroy other cities and other communities in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions.”Before starting, he continued: “We do everything we can to protect it.” “Destroy the orders of the invaders.” Do not cooperate with them. (…) Must be tolerated “He said again, adding that to the Westerners “The need to ban oil supplies from Russia is becoming more and more important every day.”.

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In the east, the Russian Defense Ministry promised Sunday “High precision missiles destroy fuel and ammunition depots” Barvinkove (Izium region) and Dobropillia (not far from Donetsk). “Continuous bombing of the region [de Louhansk] Continuing “, Meanwhile, condemned its Ukrainian governor, Sergei Kaitoy. Area “Solot was hit hard today. They deliberately targeted the five-story building. (…) Two were killed and five were injured..

“Deliberate Terrorism”

In this context, the Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine announced the suspension of humanitarian corridors for the evacuation of civilians from eastern Ukraine due to the lack of agreement with the Russian military on the ceasefire. Also in the north, in Kharkiv, Ukraine’s second city, at least five people were killed and at least 20 were injured in what became known as Russia’s airstrikes on Sunday. “In the last four days alone, 18 people have been killed and 106 injured.” For his part in the bombings of this city, Mr. Zhelensky noted “Deliberate Terrorism”.

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Ignoring Russia’s final warning to lay down arms to the last Ukrainian soldiers in Mariupol on Sunday, Ukrainian Prime Minister Denis Schmidt promised that the protests would continue. “No, the city did not fall. Our players are still there. Will fight to the end. When I speak to you, they are still like Mariupol. ”He told the American television channel ABC.

Moscow has asked the last Ukrainian fighters stationed at the Azovstal metallurgical campus to put out the fire in the morning and evacuate the campus in the afternoon. “Everyone who gives up arms is guaranteed to save their lives”The Russian Defense Ministry promised in the telegram. “This is their only chance”. Early Sunday morning, Ukrainian civil servants reported and cited Russian airstrikes on Mariupol. “Attack operations near the port”Without further details.

Mariupol, strategic purpose

The capture of the city would be a significant victory for the Russians, as it would allow them to consolidate their coastal regional gains in the Sea of ​​Azov by annexing the Donbass region, partly controlled by their supporters, to Crimea, which annexed Moscow in 2014. For Volodymyr Zhelensky, “The situation in Mariupol is as serious as it can get. It is simply inhumane.”.

He believes there is only “Two options” : Either the West will immediately provide heavy weapons to clear the siege of this city of 441,000 people before the start of the Russian offensive on February 24, or help him stop the fighting through negotiations. “No food, no water, no medicine” In Mariupol, he blamed Moscow and took it with the media “Deny” Establishment of humanitarian corridors.

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On Sunday, Ukraine’s Deputy Prime Minister Irina Vareshchuk called for the evacuation of wounded soldiers. According to David Beasley, managing director of the World Food Program, more than 100,000 civilians are on the brink of starvation in Mariupol, and there is no heat.

The Russian Defense Ministry announced on Sunday that it had fired high-precision missiles at an ammunition factory near Proverb in the Kyiv region. This was confirmed by the mayor of the area Igor Sabojko “Some infrastructure components are affected” Early in the morning of the day. Over the past three days, Russian forces have carried out a number of attacks on military factories in the capital following the shooting down of the Moskva in the Black Sea. Talks between the Russians and the Ukrainians have been paralyzed for days now.

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