Live – War in Ukraine: Kiev, Kharkiv, Lisyansk … Russian bombings continue

Volodymyr Zhelensky again calls on the world to “prepare” for a possible Russian nuclear attack

In an interview with several Ukrainian media outlets on Saturday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zhelensky called on the world community to “prepare” Russia for the use of its nuclear weapons.

“We must not wait for the moment when Russia decides to use its nuclear weapons. We must be prepared for that,” he told six Ukrainian news outlets and in an interview with the Ukrainian president’s Telegram.

He said we need “drugs (against radiation), airstrikes shelters”. “You have to talk to them, sign contracts, be economically tough. (Russians) can use any weapon, I firmly believe it.”

Russia has released a video claiming that the cruiser showed survivors in Moscow

The Russian Defense Ministry on Saturday released a video showing a meeting between survivors of a Moscow shipwreck in the Black Sea and a naval chief.

In this video, which is about thirty seconds long, we see a few dozen men in sailor uniforms lined up in front of Navy Chief Nikolaï Yévménov.

“The Commander-in-Chief of the Navy Admiral Nikolai Yevmenov and the Commander of the Black Sea Navy met with the Moscow fleet in Sevastopol,” the Crimean Ministry said in a statement.

Zhelensky declares that the “elimination” of the last Ukrainian soldiers in Mariupol “will put an end to all negotiations.”

On Saturday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zhelensky warned that the “destruction” of the last Ukrainian troops at the port of Mariupol, besieged by Russian forces, would “put an end to any peace talks” with Moscow.

Volodymyr Zhelensky declared in an interview with the news website that the removal of our soldiers and our men (in Mariupol) would put an end to any talks on peace between Russia and Ukraine. Ukrainska PravdaHe warned that both sides would find themselves “in a stalemate”.

In 24 hours, 40,000 refugees fled Ukraine

Many Ukrainians have been fleeing the country for more than 50 days since the start of the Russian invasion. As a result, according to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), 40,200 people fled Ukraine in 24 hours. In all, 4,836,445 refugees have fled the area since the war began.

An oil refinery in eastern Ukraine has been targeted by Russia

Russian forces on Saturday attacked an oil refinery in the eastern Ukraine city of Lisychinsk, local officials said.

“In the morning they bombed the oil refinery, a fire broke out (…) and the devastation is currently continuing,” Sergei Kaita, the Ukrainian governor of the Lukansk region, told his Telegram channel.

“The Russians are planning to evacuate the rescuers. There is no fuel. Only hydrocarbon residues are burning,” he added.

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The refinery is located four kilometers west of the city of Lysyansk.

UN says many refugees in Ukraine ‘will not be able to return home’

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) on Saturday warned that many refugees who have left Ukraine will no longer be able to return home. The UNHCR lists 4,836,445 Ukrainians who fled their country after the Russian invasion on February 24.

Europe has never seen such a flood of refugees since World War II.

UNHCR Representative in Ukraine Carolina Lindholm Billing said, “People’s greatest desire is to return home, but many do not want to return home because it has been destroyed, damaged or in an unsafe place.

“Home is one of the most worrying areas. Long-term solutions need to be found, even if hundreds of thousands of people are staying in makeshift reception centers or with families who have generously opened their doors,” he added.

A special flight for Rosie to bring back the Russians expelled by France

A special plane hired by Moscow to bring back Russian nationals expelled by France was at Roissy airport on Saturday, AFP learned from airport sources.

The source said 137 passengers, along with their families and loved ones, boarded the “Non-Persona Grata” flight in mid-afternoon, which was scheduled to depart busy.

“The Russians sent a plane. Because they have no right to fly over France, it is subject to a diplomatic agreement. People leave with good companions,” he told the AFP. ‘AFP Airport Source.

France announced earlier this month that it was expelling 41 Russian diplomats who were said to be involved in espionage under the cover of their embassy, ​​citing the permission as part of a “European approach”.

One person was killed and another was injured in a bomb blast at an army factory in Q.

One person was killed and several others were injured when a car bomb exploded at an army factory in the Ukrainian capital, Kyiv, on Saturday morning, officials said.

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A large number of soldiers and police gathered after the attack to prevent smoke from entering the premises.

Kiev Mayor Vitaly Klitschko told the Telegram that one person was killed and “many” were hospitalized after the strike in the Tornitsky district.

“Our air defense forces are doing everything they can to protect us, but the enemy is cunning and ruthless,” he wrote.

Boris Johnson was banned from entering Russia

Russia announced on Saturday that it had banned British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and several other senior British officials from entering the country following London’s sanctions against Moscow’s military operation in Ukraine.

“The move is in response to unrestricted media and political propaganda aimed at creating conditions for international isolation of Russia and strangulation of the national economy (…),” the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

He still condemns London’s unprecedented hostility, especially sanctions against senior Russian officials. “The British government is deliberately seeking to escalate the situation around Ukraine, providing dangerous weapons to the kyiv regime and coordinating similar efforts on behalf of NATO,” the ministry added.

Along with Prime Minister Boris Johnson, Moscow’s detention list includes Deputy Prime Minister Dominique Robb, Foreign Secretary Liz Tross, Defense Minister Ben Wallace, former Prime Minister Theresa May and First Scottish Minister Nicola Sturgeon.

Berlin announced aid for military equipment to Ukraine

A government spokesman said Friday evening that Germany plans to provide more than one billion euros in military aid to Ukraine.

Ukraine uses the money to buy military equipment.

The mayor of Kyiv is urging his members not to return to the Ukrainian capital, which has been again targeted by Russian strikes.

This Saturday morning, Q’s Mayor Vitaly Klitschko announced the Russian strikes on his city at dawn through a telegram. He discovered these scenes in the outer district of Tornitsky. On the other hand, the municipality is still unable to draw a humanitarian balance sheet.

This situation prompted Vitaly Klitschko to issue a new appeal to alert his members.

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Posted on Twitter, Media Account Kiev IndependentHe encouraged ordinary people as well to take part in solving this great task: “One of the things you and other people can do is keep up the pressure … there are going to be some difficult decisions for government”.

Ukraine: Military factory targeted by bombing in Kiev

An AFP correspondent reported that a military factory was targeted by a tank-making bomb on Saturday morning, especially in the suburbs of the Ukrainian capital, Kyiv. Mscou busily confirmed strike. “High-precision, long-range surface-to-surface weapons destroyed the production buildings of an arms factory in Kyiv,” the Russian Defense Ministry said in a telegram.

A large number of soldiers and police were deployed at the spot and blocked the entrance to the premises with smoke billowing. The mayor of kyiv, Vitaly Klitschko, pointed out on Facebook that he had no information about the victims of this condition.

2,500 to 3,000 Ukrainian troops die, 20,000 Russian troops: number of wars according to Zhelensky

In an interview with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zhelensky gave an initial human count of the number of wars his country was driven by the Russian invaders. On the American channel CNN One of the juices was distributed on Friday. He noted that 2,500 to 3,000 Ukrainian soldiers died. Another 10,000 were injured.

Finally, the head of state promised that 20,000 Russian soldiers would be killed in the fighting.

Arms factory, Kiev southeast airport: Russia escalates strikes after Moscow sinking

Russia has bombed a Ukrainian missile maker after losing its Black Sea naval base Moscow. AFP reported on Friday that an arms factory in the kyiv region had been hit by a Russian strike.

The Visor factory produces Neptune anti-ship missiles, which Ukrainians say are aimed at Moscow. Also, overnight from Friday to Saturday, the mayor of the city of Alexandria, about 300 km southeast of Q, posted on Facebook that a Russian missile had hit his city’s airport. He said rescue teams were on duty but none of the victims were immediately reported.

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