Live – War in Ukraine: Moscow says to open humanitarian corridors to Russia

New fall at the start of European stock markets

European stocks fell again early Monday, facing the economic consequences of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which could push up already high inflation, including rising oil prices. The Frankfurt Stock Exchange lost 4.10%, Paris 4.04%, Milan 4.58% and the London Market, which had been the most flexible since the beginning of the crisis, lost 1.05% in the first trade.

Bruno Le Maire: An “answer” will be given to “all the French people most affected by the crisis.”

Economy Minister Bruno Le Maire, who was called to BFMTV this Monday, assured the state that it was “ready to do more” on the rise in energy prices. But the minister warns that “pouring petrol on fire does not matter how much it costs.”

Goal and effective answers should be given to those who are most in need.

War in Ukraine: Update at 9am.

Here are some essential facts to keep in mind on Monday morning, the 12th day of the Russian invasion of Ukraine:

Moscow has promised to open humanitarian corridors, To evacuate civilians from many cities. Relevant: Kiev, Capital, Kharkiv, Sumi and Mariupol. Twice this weekend Mariupol was notified of a ceasefire and civilian evacuation measures, which were interrupted as fighting continued.

If the Russian announcement this Monday morning seems to be heading in the right direction, go along with itA diplomatic mess. Vladimir Putin noted the setting up of these humanitarian corridors “To Russia” At the request of Emmanuel Macron, during their call on Sunday. A version competed from lysée.

ையில் In the field, The bombings continued on several frontsKharkiv is the second largest city in the country, in the suburbs around the capital Kiev. Fights are also approaching The main Ukrainian port of OdessaAccording to President Volodymyr Zhelensky, the Russians are about to invade. Regional military spokesman Sergei Bratchouk said Russian missiles fired from the sea crashed into the village of Touzly on Monday.

Third Session Talks between the Russians and the Ukrainians are scheduled for Monday. But hopes for victory are slim, and Russian President Vladimir Putin has set Kiev’s acceptance of all Moscow demands as a prerequisite for any dialogue. An affirmation he recalled during an exchange with Emmanuel Macron on Sunday.

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The effects of the conflict in Ukraine are clear again Energy charges. The price of oil, Brent’s barrel is approaching $ 140, close to its absolute record.

A spokesman for the Russian embassy in France said: “Bombing” is a bad word.

On the twelfth day of the war in Ukraine, a spokesman for the Russian embassy in France questioned the magnitude of the bombings in the east of the country. “‘Bombard’, I would say it’s a bad word, ” Alexander Makokonov announced as a guest on France 2 this Monday.

“‘Bombing’, I would say, is a dirty word. If you carry out an operation around Kiev, it is a highly targeted operation carried out with precision weapons.”

Beijing says China-Russia friendship is ‘rock-solid’

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Monday assured that the friendship between Beijing and Moscow was “rock solid,” despite international condemnation of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

“Friendship between the two peoples is as solid as a rock and the opportunities for future cooperation are enormous,” Wang Yi told reporters, adding that China is ready to participate “if necessary” in international mediation to resolve the conflict in Ukraine.

Contrary to what Emmanuel Macron Moscow has said, “Russia does not ask for humanitarian corridors.”

Humanitarian corridors were announced by Moscow on Monday, but they will be between several Ukrainian cities and Russia. The Russian military says the decision was made following a “personal request” by French President Emmanuel Macron.

With BFMTV, lysée denies. “After talks with President Vladimir Putin, Russia did not ask for or receive sidewalks. The President of the Republic insists that civilians be allowed to leave and carry aid.”

“Putin’s pushing his story that the Ukrainians are occupiers and that they are all asylum seekers is another way.”

French ambassador to Ukraine “not sure if Kiev will fall”

In the RTL, the French ambassador to Ukraine, Étienne de Poncins, returned to protest the Ukrainians in the face of the Russian invasion. “The whole Ukrainian nation is rising,” he said.

The diplomat did not rule out the possibility of returning to Kiev inside the French embassy, ​​citing the fact that “65,000 Ukrainians have returned to their country to take up arms.”

“It is not certain that Kiev will fall,” the ambassador declared. “Occupying Kiev for a long time is another matter, especially if Russian troops face a guerrilla,” he added.

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The French ambassador to Ukraine declares that the expulsion of the French is “on the right track.”

This morning the guest of RTL, the French ambassador to Ukraine Etienne de Ponzins, said that the expulsion of French citizens from Ukraine was “on track”.

“Since February 19, we have been encouraging French people in Ukraine to leave the country. Initially there were 1,700 people. Now we have about a dozen consecutive evacuations. We estimate that in these days, 300 French people will be in the area, especially the Franco-Ukrainians who do not want to leave. “

U.S. officials accuse Moscow of hiring Syrian mercenaries to fight in Ukraine

U.S. officials say Moscow has been recruiting Syrian mercenaries to fight in Ukraine for the past few days. Wall Street Magazine.

According to similar sources, Russia, which has been in Syria since 2015, hopes that their expertise in urban guerrilla warfare will be useful in capturing Kiev.

Oil: Brent barrel is close to $ 140, which is close to the absolute record

The almost total suspension of Russian exports has pushed up oil prices. The Brent barrel from the North Sea approached $ 140 on Monday morning and came close to an absolute record.

In the process, Tokyo and Hong Kong stock markets fell more than 3% on Monday morning. And the best safe haven gold is over $ 2,000 an ounce.

The rise in oil prices comes after US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said on Sunday that the United States and the European Union were “very seriously” discussing the possibility of banning Russian oil imports.

>> More information can be found here.

The Russian military has declared a ceasefire to allow civilians to leave

The Russian military announced on Monday that it would establish a ceasefire in Kiev, Mariupol, Kharkiv and Sumi to allow civilians to evacuate.

“Russian forces, for humanitarian purposes, declare a ‘silent rule’ from 10 a.m. on March 7 and open humanitarian corridors,” the Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement.

The report did not specify whether the corridors would open in Ukraine local time (9am Paris time) or in Moscow (8am Paris time) and for how long.

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>> More information can be found here.

Russia has announced the opening of several humanitarian corridors

The Russian Defense Ministry announced on Monday that it would open several humanitarian corridors in Kiev, Mariupol, Kharkiv and Sumi.

The decision was made following a request made by Emmanuel Macron to Vladimir Putin during a phone call on Sunday.

Heavy shelling was carried out on Kharkiv overnight

During the night from Sunday to Monday, the city of Kharkiv, the second largest city in Ukraine, was the target of intense bombings.

According to an Agency France-Presse journalist, the strikes targeted the local university’s campus and public buildings.

Since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Kharkiv, located in the northeast of the country, has been the target of heavy attacks by the Russian military. The seat of the local government was targeted, as well as the houses, causing many casualties.

Ukrainian civil servants announced that Russian forces were currently concentrating their efforts on Kharkiv, Chernikiv, Sumi and Mikholev, and that they were “accumulating their resources to carry out an attack on Kiev.”

Emmanuel Macron and Vladimir Putin spoke this Sunday

The French and Russian presidents exchanged telephone calls at 1h45 this Sunday, speculating on the security situation around Ukraine’s nuclear facilities, which has been threatened by ongoing fighting.

According to Elysée, Vladimir Poutine assured Emmanuel Macron that he was “ready to respect IAEA standards for the safety of power plants.”

>> What Vladimir Putin and Emmanuel Macron said to each other

New negotiations are planned for this 12th day war

A third round of talks between Russians and Ukrainians is scheduled for Monday. But hopes of victory are slim, and Russian President Vladimir Putin has set all the demands of Moscow, especially the militarization of Ukraine, and Kiev’s acceptance of neutral status for the country as a precondition for any dialogue.

Good morning everyone!

Welcome to this live dedicated to the continuation of this 12th day war in Ukraine.

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