Live – War in Ukraine: The G7 will meet with Zhelensky via video conference this Sunday

The city of Chevrolet Donetsk is almost completely surrounded by Russians

Severodonetsk, one of the most important cities in Donbass, which is still under Ukrainian control, is “almost surrounded” by Russian forces and pro-Russian separatists from Donbass, who are trying to take full control, according to city mayor Olexandre Striouk.

According to the mayor, interviewed on the Ukrainian channel 1 + 1, Russian and pro-Russian troops “are trying to attack the city from many directions”.

Video conference of G7 leaders this Sunday with the participation of Zelensky

Leaders of the G7 superpowers will hold a video conference this Sunday dedicated to the war in Ukraine, which will be attended by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, German Chancellor’s spokesman Olaf Scholz announced on Friday.

“May 8 is a historic date marking the end of World War II in Europe, which caused terror, destruction and death in Europe,” the spokesman announced during a regular press conference, adding that “unity with the G7 is more important than ever in the current war in Ukraine.” .

Brussels wants to extend the list of people allowed to be close to Vladimir Putin

Having been in a relationship with Vladimir Putin since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24 is not good. In fact Brussels wants to extend the list of persons threatened by a ban on entry into the EU and a freeze on assets. Currently a list of 58 people.

Kiev says Russian forces continue to attack Mariupol

On BFMTV this Friday morning, the manpower organization of the Azovstel factory still mentioned the shooting at Steelworks, the last part of the Ukrainian protest in Mariupol.

In a statement issued today, the Ukrainian Defense Ministry said that Russian forces had “resumed operations in some areas, with the support of the Air Force, with a view to restricting the plant” and that “(Ukrainian) security forces were under siege.”

As a reminder, the UN has called for the evacuation of civilians still taking refuge in the factory. The convoy is expected this Friday. They will have 200 more.

Russia: A journalist sues for “discrediting” the military

Ilya Azhar, a well-known Russian journalist and opponent, announced on Friday that he would be prosecuted for criticizing the Moscow attacks in Ukraine.

Azhar told his Telegram channel that he “faced administrative charges for defaming the Russian armed forces in order to protect the interests of Russia and its citizens and to maintain international peace.” On Facebook.

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Germany is to deliver seven howitzers to Ukraine

Germany announced on Friday that it would provide more than one billion euros in military aid to Ukraine, and through its Ministry of Defense would deliver seven armored howitzers to Kiev. Thus increasing its heavy arms supply efforts somewhat.

The HRD of the Azovstal factory says an employee was “filtered and tortured” by the Russians.

After the shooting on Azovstal on BFMTV this Friday, Ivan Goltvenko, the factory’s director of human resources, said another employee had been “filtered and tortured” in Steelwork by the Russians.

Russian oil embargo: EU crosses ‘red line’ and ‘damaged unity’ according to Hungary

The European Union on Wednesday proposed to member states progressive measures on Russian oil, which led to a total embargo at the end of the year, especially for dependent Hungary, which, for its part, rejected the plan “in its current form.”

This Friday, Hungarian President Victor Orban goes even further, specifically referring to the attack on “European unity”.

“Commission chairman Ursula von der Leyen did not volunteer or attack European unity,” he said in a radio interview. “From the beginning, we made it clear that there was a red line, that it was an energy barrier. They crossed that line.”

The Azovstale plant HRD site says it is still on fire

As the guest of BFMTV this Friday morning, the manpower director of the Azovstal factory, the last part of the Ukrainian protest in Mariupol, spoke about the firing on steel factories when he announced the Moscow ceasefire in the port city on Thursday.

Around Mariupol, road signs change to Russian

Road signs in Russian were erected around the port city of Mariupol, replacing road signs in Ukrainian and English, pro-Russian separatist officials in the area said.

The city’s strategic port has been the scene of a ruthless war since the beginning of the Russian offensive. The last Ukrainian fighters besieged the Azovstal base.

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Municipal employees change road signs from Ukrainian to Russian outside the city of Mariupol on May 5, 2022 © Donetsk People’s Republic Ministry of Transport / AFP

Russia plans to hold a military parade in Mariupol on May 9, according to Ukrainian intelligence.

The ship Moscow was sunk with the help of US intelligence

The rumor was growing. In mid-April, the Moscow, one of the main ships of the Russian Navy, Sank after an attack by the Ukrainian army. According to information from NBC NewsThe kyiv strike was actually carried out with the help of information provided by the US intelligence services.

>> Read our article here

Azovstel: President of the Red Cross in Ukraine says he has “close ties with Russians and Ukrainians”.

Called on BFMTV this Friday morning, Pascal Hunt, president of the Red Cross in Ukraine, returned to evacuate civilians in Mariupol. He said he was “in close contact with the Russians and Ukrainians” while 200 civilians were trapped in the Azovstal steel plant.

The Ukrainian president also announced on Friday that 500 civilians had already been expelled from Mariupol. The operation continues.

According to the organizers of the Red Cross in Ukraine, “there is a convoy going to Azovstal, which is a very complicated operation.”

Pascal Hunt, a representative of the International Committee of the Red Cross in Ukraine, confirmed on BFMTV this morning that a convoy was on its way, after announcing on Thursday that the UN had sent a new convoy of civilians to evacuate Azovstal. Azovstal. According to him a surgery is “too complicated”.

What will change Putin’s official declaration of war?

In the conflict with Ukraine since February 24, Russia has not officially declared war on its neighbor. A change in possible wording during the May 9 coding date could have serious consequences.

>> Our full article

“Nearly 500 civilians” have already been expelled from Mariupol, according to the Ukrainian president.

According to the Ukrainian president, “almost 500 civilians” have already been expelled from Mariupol, and the operation continues. As a reminder, Mariupol Meyer mentioned on our antenna that there are 200 more civilians in that place.

“Nearly 500 civilians were evacuated,” he said In the telegram Andriï Yermak, President of the Presidential Administration. “Today we are focusing on Azovstal,” Deputy Prime Minister Irina Vareshchowk told Agence France-Presse, while the UN announced on Thursday that it had sent a new convoy of 200 civilians to the iron industry.

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At the UN, Ukraine’s ambassador urges an end to the conflict, saying “every opportunity must be seized to achieve peace.”

On Thursday, the UN. And while many countries have called for an end to Russia’s war in Ukraine, little has been said about reviving their seemingly stalled peace talks.

“The Russian invasion of Ukraine is a violation of its territorial integrity and the Charter of the United Nations,” said Antonio Guterres, secretary general of the Security Council, Washington. “It must be stopped for the benefit of the people of Ukraine, Russia and the rest of the world,” he added.

“We must seize every opportunity to achieve peace,” said Ukrainian Ambassador Sergei Kislitska.

The Pentagon is refusing to help target Russian generals

The U.S. Defense Department on Thursday denied intelligence allowing Ukrainian forces to target senior Russian officials. New York Times

It is true that the United States sends elements of information to kyiv “to help Ukrainians defend their country,” said Pentagon spokesman John Kirby. But he added, “We did not provide information on the whereabouts of senior military commanders on the battlefield and did not participate in the target decisions of the Ukrainian military.”

The boat of the Russian oligarchy was seized in Fiji at the request of the United States

The U.S. Justice Department announced Thursday that a super boat suspected to belong to a Russian oligarchy targeted by sanctions related to the war in Ukraine has been seized by authorities in Fiji at the request of the United States.

The Amedia ship, valued at $ 325 million, is owned by businessman and associate Suleiman Kerimov, who was targeted by European and US sanctions, according to Washington.

According to Washington, Suleiman Kerimov made his fortune from his stakes in major Russian energy and financial institutions, including Gasprom and Sberbank.

Hello everyone!

Welcome to this live broadcast this Friday, May 6, 2022, dedicated to watching the war in Ukraine

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