Lucia Hiriard, widow of Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet, has died

The family of Lucia Hiriard, the widow of former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet, has died on Thursday, December 16, according to local media reports. He died at the age of 98, in the house where he lived with his children and grandchildren.

In a brief statement to reporters, his youngest son Marco Antonio Pinochet said: “We are deeply saddened to announce the death of our beloved mother Lucia Hiriard de Pinochet.”. The “Funerals will be held in private”, He added. General Pinochet ruled Chile between September 1973 and March 1990, with more than 3,200 dead and missing.

As soon as the local media broke the news of Lucia Hiriard’s death, motorists blew their horns and joined in the celebration. Hundreds of people also gathered at the Piazza de Italy in central Santiago.

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“Is the old woman dead?” “

Rally commemorating the death of Lucia Hieriard on December 16, 2021 in Santiago.

On Twitter, The Parody account “Is the old woman dead?” “, 54,000 followed, providing daily news on Lucia Hiriard’s health. Just released one today “Yes”, Which is shared by over 23,000 accounts. MMe Considered a strong woman in the military regime, Harriet Rodriguez has visited the Army Hospital in Santiago on several occasions in recent months.

Augusto Pinochet, who died of a heart attack at the age of 91 in 2006, was able to escape prosecution for violating human rights and embezzling public funds under his rule. “I think Lucia’s departure is an important event that marks the end of an era in which there were more lights than shadows. A stage in history to pass on lessons to future generations.”, Said right-wing Senator Iván Moreira.

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The death comes three days before the second round of the presidential election, between Gabriel Boric on the left and Jose Antonio Cast on the right, who claims to be the legacy of the Pinochet dictatorship. Mr Borick said, a News posted on Twitter: “Lucia Hiriard died without punishment despite the deep pain and divisions in our country. My thoughts are with the victims of the dictatorship, of which she was a part.” Mr. Cast said for his part: “I want to offer my condolences to my family, but I do not want to turn it into a political event. “

World with AFP

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