Megastar and Creative #9 Keiji Inafoni is reportedly back with Project NFT

Update [Wed 18th May, 2022 03:45 BST]: It appears that the same webpage for the countdown timer on PolkaFantasy has now been discontinued.

original story [Wed 18th May, 2022 02:15 BST]: mega man artist and Mighty Number 9 Content creator Keiji Inafune is said to be working on a new NFT project known simply as “Beastroid”. According to a countdown website discovered in Japan’s NFT market polka fantasy (Thanks VGC), the legendary artist designed his first futuristic NFT set.

“Beastroid Vol 001 is Inafune-san’s first futuristic NFT kit bundled with amazing utilities. As it steps into the Metaverse, PolkaFantasy is proud to make the official debut of the robo-Revolution kit on its brand new Marketplace 2.0.”

There is even some related knowledge – noting how there is a file huge 2,620 Beastroids (translated NFTs) will be launched by July.

“The world’s first future-driven NFT revolution by 2,620 Beastroids landed on Earth to save all humans. In 20xx, humans are in danger of extinction. Their hope for survival, Heaven is the destination. An organization led by rich man Ethan “Guardian V” is deployed to protect Grounds and kills any human who tries to violate. To counterattack, the Beastroids are the only hope for the future of humanity.”

The roadmap reveals how Beastroid owners will eventually be able to explore the “infinite potential” of these NFTs, and their holders will “enjoy the privilege” of interacting with Inafune through various social events.

Although Keiji Inafune has a history with Capcom series such as Street Fighter And Mega Man, in recent years, has had his Kickstarter Troubled Mighty Project No. 9 Newspaper headlines. When this project was finally launched frustrated fans. There were also performance issues and it was eventually revealed Zero progress has been made on portable ports.

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Here are some of the Beastoids Inafune I seem to have worked on – and they all seem to draw inspiration from the Mega Man series:


It is worth noting the current controversy over the legality of the project and whether Inafune was actually involved, as it is assumed that its copyrights and signatures do not appear on the site. VGC Editor Andy Robinson, who covered the original story, responded to this Via social media:

“From my understanding, this project isn’t supposed to be advertised – someone found it early on via Google – so it’s no surprise that Inafune isn’t talking about it. It’s also incredibly common for marketers to source bots from elsewhere.”

“This appears to be a trusted marketplace, and that page has the Inafune name and kind of original artwork all over the place. Could they have decided to build it all up for a scam? Sure, but why? Either way, I don’t think the lack of copyright and signature Absolutely disgrace her.”

Since the NFTs took off, many celebrities and even Video game companies such as Konami . are involved. How do you feel about Keiji Inafune hopping on the NFT bandwagon? Leave a comment below.

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