Nikki Haley keeps Donald Trump from winning Vermont on Super Tuesday

Brandon Bell/Getty Images via AFP Nikki Haley won the only state in Vermont on Super Tuesday, here March 4, 2024.

Brandon Bell/Getty Images via AFP

Nikki Haley won the only state in Vermont on Super Tuesday, here March 4, 2024.

United States – We had to wait three hours to get the results. While the winner was announced minutes before the polls closed in other states that voted in Republican primaries this Tuesday, March 5, Vermont's suspense lingered. To everyone's surprise, Nikki Haley won against Donald Trump, preventing her from making a big splash on Super Tuesday.

While the former president was the evening's big winner in the Republican Party with 12 out of a possible 15 wins (two states had yet to announce their results at the time of writing), the former governor of South Carolina won 49.9%. Vote in Vermont according to New York Times, 45.8% against its competitor.

It was a symbolic victory for Nikki Haley, who won her second primary against Donald Trump since the election cycle began in January. A few days ago, he won a poll organized in the federal capital, Washington DC

Will Haley withdraw from the competition?

If it's less than 50%, it must share the 17 delegates proportionally, which will elect a Republican delegate to the presidential race at the party convention this summer. If he wins more than an absolute majority, he wins all the delegates allocated by the state.

Former U.N. The ambassador insisted on staying in the tournament until Super Tuesday. “Competition”. But facing a wave of Donald Trump this Tuesday, calls for his ouster by influential members of the Republican Party have multiplied across television channels.

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His victory in Vermont will do nothing for the billionaire, who is guaranteed to secure the Republican nomination. Or will he think his small breakthrough is enough to continue the adventure? However, as noted by the US agency Associated Press, Nikki Haley does not plan any speeches or appearances after Super Tuesday.

In a press release, his campaign team estimated at the end of the day that there were still “Lots of Republican Voters Expressing Deep Concerns About Donald Trump”.

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