New Planet 100 Light Years Away That Might Be Suitable for Life: NPR

SPECULOOS Southern Observatory telescopes in the Atacama Desert, Chile. Telescopes were used to confirm and characterize…

Major League Baseball Players Association Joins AFL-CIO

11:32 a.m. ET Jeff BassanESPN Close ESPN MLB InsiderAuthor of “The Arm: Inside the Billion-Dollar Mystery…

Apple unveils iPhone 14 with SOS satellite and Ultra Watch for outdoors

Register now to get free unlimited access to Register Sept 7 (Reuters) – Apple Inc…

Skeleton of a female ‘vampire’ discovered in a cemetery in Poland: ‘pure astonishment’

This week, researchers announced the discovery of the skeleton of a female “vampire” in Poland. Nicholas…

kyiv appeals to peacekeepers in Zaporozhye, Putin threatens Europe over gas prices

You missed the latest events of the war Ukraine ? Don’t panic, the stock takes 20…

Joanna Garcia of Florida accused ‘Mother Teresa’ of a Ponzi scheme

A South Florida woman known as “Mother Teresa” in her community has been accused of running…

Britney Spears responds to an interview with Jaden’s son

As we all know, Britney was inarbitraryGuardianship run by Britney’s father, Jamie, as she had little…

Doomsday glacier ‘sticking to its nails’ – backsliding can raise backbone from sea level by 10 feet

R/V Nathaniel B. Palmer image from a drone at Thwaites Glacier in February 2019. Credit: Alexandra…

Chelsea sack Thomas Tuchel as coach after poor start to the season

Chelsea’s new owners have sacked coach Thomas Tuchel, just three months after they took charge of…

Sony’s new PS5 has been completely redesigned from the inside and uses less power

Sony has revamped the interior of the latest PS5 models. a The revised PS5 model is…