Russia is increasingly relying on missiles and artillery to pressure Ukraine

Kyiv, Ukraine – Russian attacks have hit Kyiv, Odessa and other locations across Ukraine as Moscow appears to be Change her combat plan To force Ukraine to give up its claims to its southern and eastern lands.

as her Military attack against Ukraine It has faltered, and Russia is increasingly bombing civilian areas in what is developing into a war of attrition With the aim of putting pressure on the government in Kyiv to grant concessions and respond to Moscow’s demands.

The apparent tactical shift comes as President Biden heads to Europe this week for meetings with allies and partners in NATO, the Group of Seven and European countries, including Poland. They are expected to discuss deterrence efforts, humanitarian relief and a campaign Sanctions against Russia.

On Monday, the Russian Foreign Ministry warned that relations between Moscow and Washington were “on the verge of collapse.” Moscow summoned US Ambassador John Sullivan on Monday to hand him a protest note Mr Biden’s comment that his Russian counterpart,

Russian President Vladimir PutinHe is a “war criminal”.

The Ukrainian government rejected Russia’s ultimatum to lay down arms in Mariupol; A security camera captured the attack on a shopping center in Kyiv; The United Nations said the war had forced 10 million people from their homes. Photo: Serhiy Nozhenko/Reuters

The State Department did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The United States has imposed sweeping sanctions on Russia for its attack on Ukraine, helping it Russian economy cut off of the global financial system. The United States also provided Ukraine with a range of military aid to fight Russian forces, including anti-tank weapons and anti-aircraft missiles that Ukrainian forces used to inflict heavy losses on the invading army.

Near Kyiv, where the fighting came to a standstill, Russian forces He appeared to degrade Ukrainian positions with artillery strikes and long-range missiles. On Monday, the rumble of artillery shelling was almost constant.

Russian strikes affect Ukrainian cities

Residential neighborhoods continue to face heavy bombardment with increasing losses in the fourth week of the conflict

People stand under the rubble of a shopping mall in Kyiv, Ukraine, on Monday.

Rodrigo Abd/The Associated Press

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Overnight, Russia used a missile strike to destroy a mall that Moscow claimed was used as an arms depot, according to Russian social media. The raid destroyed a 10-story building in the mall and smashed windows hundreds of meters away.

Ukrainian officials said at least eight people were killed in the attack.

The army cordoned off the mall, where troops were seen on Monday morning carrying the bodies in pick-up trucks. A Ukrainian website said a photo of the mall spread on social media before the strike showed several Ukrainian military trucks parked there. The government is urging Ukrainians to refrain from posting pictures of the country’s military on social media that might betray their positions to Moscow.

Russian attacks around military zones have raised concerns that the country has agents operating inside Ukraine and monitoring Moscow targets.

The city’s mayor said he will impose another curfew on the Ukrainian capital, lasting 35 hours from 8 p.m. local time on Monday.

The attacks unfolded when Russia demanded that Ukraine surrender The besieged port city of Mariupol. Mikhail Mizintsev, head of the Defense Ministry’s National Defense Monitoring Center, said Sunday that Kyiv should respond to the Russian offer by 5 a.m. Moscow time, according to Interfax.

Areas no longer controlled by Ukraine as of Friday

The direction of the invasion forces

Under the control of or allied with Russia

Main refugee transit sites


Not in operation

The territory of Ukraine, recognized by Putin as independent

controlled by


Areas no longer controlled by Ukraine as of Friday

The direction of the invasion forces

Under the control of or allied with Russia

The territory of Ukraine, recognized by Putin as independent

Main refugee transit sites


Not in operation

controlled by


Areas no longer controlled by Ukraine as of Friday

The direction of the invasion forces

Under the control of or allied with Russia

Main refugee transit sites

The territory of Ukraine, recognized by Putin as independent


Not in operation

controlled by


Areas no longer controlled by Ukraine as of Friday

The direction of the invasion forces

Under the control of or allied with Russia

Main refugee transit sites

The territory of Ukraine, recognized by Putin as independent

Areas no longer controlled by Ukraine as of Friday

The direction of the invasion forces

Under the control of or allied with Russia

Main refugee transit sites

The territory of Ukraine, recognized by Putin as independent

The Ukrainian government early Monday rejected the Russian request on Twitter. It quoted the country’s Deputy Prime Minister Irina Vereshuk as saying that handing over the city was not an option and Russia demanded that it give civilians safe passage out.

It was imposed by Russia’s bombing strategy Especially heavy losses In Mariupol, where the fighting reached the streets. Ukrainian officials said Russia bombed an art school where about 400 people were sheltering, trapping people under rubble. Their condition cannot be determined. A few days ago, a Theater in the city Where large numbers of people were bombed.

Mariupol is a strategic target for Moscow as it tries to open a land corridor to Crimea, annexed by Russia And changing the momentum in its three-week-old invasion. Russia has so far failed to control any large Ukrainian cities since the start of its invasion.

People dug a grave in the besieged Ukrainian port city of Mariupol on Sunday.


Alexander Ermoshenko/Reuters

Ukrainians who fled Mariupol and Zaporizhzhya arrived in Lviv, western Ukraine, on Sunday.


Bernat Armango/The Associated Press

The Russian military operation continued on three fronts: north from Crimea, south of Belarus towards Kyiv, and west from the occupied territories of southern Ukraine towards Mykolaiv, and eventually the port city of Odessa.

Military analysts say Russia may increasingly be looking for an operational pause to regroup its forces and prepare for another offensive, leading to a temporary break in the fighting without a full ceasefire, which would require a breakthrough in the hitherto fruitless negotiations between Kyiv and Moscow.

Russia’s latest ultimatum came as senior US officials see signs that the Kremlin is adopting a new strategy after nearly a month of fighting, halting progress and inflicting heavy humanitarian losses on the country. They believe the new approach focuses on securing the so-called land bridge between western Russia and Crimea, and expanding Russian control over the Donbass region in eastern Ukraine. The Kremlin also appears to be trying to force the Ukrainian government to accept neutrality between Russia and the West.

Ukrainian officials said at least eight people were killed in the attack on a Kyiv shopping center.


Rodrigo Abd/The Associated Press

Russia’s attack on Ukraine Forced more than 10 million people On leaving their homes, the United Nations said, with the scale of the humanitarian catastrophe showing no signs of abating as Moscow presses its offensive with missile strikes and artillery fire. The United Nations estimates that about 3.5 million people have left Ukraine since the Russian offensive began on February 24.

The World Health Organization has said the fighting is doing more damage to Ukraine’s health care system. On Monday, the United Nations agency said it had recorded 14 deaths and 36 injuries in attacks on the health care system linked to the attack. The World Health Organization said the nature of the attacks ranged from kidnappings to heavy weapons and obstruction of medical professionals.

Russia claimed on Monday it had captured a Ukrainian military headquarters and took 61 Ukrainian prisoners of war, and reported a cruise missile attack on an alleged training center for foreign and Ukrainian fighters in the western Ukraine’s Rivne region, which it says killed more than 80 Ukrainian and foreign fighters.

Ukraine confirmed the missile attack on the training ground in the Rivne region, while saying that the intensity of Russian combat air operations had subsided. She also said that Russia bombed Odessa.

Ukrainian soldiers searched the destroyed shopping center in Kyiv on Monday.


Felipe Dana/The Associated Press

The two sides exchanged accusations over the damage to a chemical plant in the eastern Ukrainian city of Sumy on Monday morning, when an ammonia gas leak was detected.

Ms Vereshuk said the Ukrainian and Russian sides had agreed on eight humanitarian corridors for Monday, including some of the Mariupol corridors.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov accused Ukraine of blocking the corridors. Ukraine has said in the past that Russia attacked these transit lines.

write to Matthew Luxmoore at [email protected] and Alan Collison at [email protected]

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