Spain withdraws its ambassador to Argentina “permanently” after Miley’s comments about Sanchez’s wife

“It is unprecedented to see a head of state come to a nation’s capital to insult the institutions of the state and to meddle clearly in its internal affairs.”

“The ambassador will stay permanently in Madrid. Argentina will no longer have a Spanish ambassador, he added, denouncing the ultraliberal Argentine president’s comments as “unique in the history of international relations.” “It is an unprecedented fact to see a head of state come to the capital of a country to insult the institutions of the state and to intervene clearly in its internal affairs,” Jose Manuel Álvarez continued.

“Arrogant Socialist”

Javier Mili’s reaction was not long in coming. On Argentine channel LN+, he described the announcement by Pedro Sánchez’s government as “the ridiculous decision of an arrogant socialist.” “A big error” that “damages Spain’s international image”, and confirmed that he would not recall the Argentine ambassador to Spain. “We are maintaining everything as it was. »

The unprecedented diplomatic crisis between the two countries came to a head on Sunday following Javier Millay’s comments during a conference of Spanish far-right party Vox in Madrid, where he was the guest of honour. In a belligerent speech, he attacked socialism, as is his wont, but without naming Becona Sánchez, the wife of the Spanish prime minister. “When you have a corrupt wife, you become dirty and it takes five days to think about it,” said the Argentine president, who did not meet King Felipe VI or Pedro Sánchez during his three-day trip to Madrid.

“I will never apologize to him in any way.”

Mr. After Mr Sanchez launched a preliminary investigation into “influence payments” and “corruption” against his wife, Mr. Seen as clear references to Sanchez’s recent decision. Back in Buenos Aires, Mr. On Monday Mr. He continued his verbal escapades against Sánchez, calling him a “coward” and refusing to apologize as demanded by the Spanish government. “I’m not going to apologize to him in any way,” the Argentine president said, promising that representatives of the Spanish government had described him as “xenophobic, racist, far-right”. […] A science denier, a misogynist.”

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Miley will be back

As a bonus, Pedro poked fun at Sanchez’s “humble attitude,” advising him to “get a psychologist” and “a good lawyer for his wife.”

Tensions between Madrid and Buenos Aires flared two weeks ago after statements by Spain’s transport minister, Oscar Puente, that Mr. Argentine President Pedro Sánchez accused his policies of bringing only “poverty and death” to Spain. Mr. Yolanda Diaz, No. 3 in the Spanish government, has sown “hatred”. Miley was charged.

Provocative to the end, Javier Mille tweeted about his next trip to Spain, scheduled for late June, to receive a prize from the liberal think tank Instituto Juan de Mariana. “Let’s see how much despotism is in his blood […] If his inferiority would make him tolerate the Spanish liberals rewarding me in person,” he wrote of Pedro Sánchez.

The personal relationship that may or may not exist between the leaders does not and should not affect the bilateral relationship.

In the background, Argentina’s diplomatic chief Diana Mondino tried to tone down the tone on Tuesday, calling the tension “a story” and affirming that “the personal relationship that may or may not exist between the leaders does not and should not affect the bilateral relationship.”

The announcement of the ambassador’s departure in Buenos Aires sparked criticism from Spain’s right-wing opposition, ahead of far-right elections that saw a rise in Mr polls for electoral purposes.

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