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On Thursday, researchers published a study on snake farming in Scientific Reports and, According to their reportGiant snakes have the potential to address a global problem.

The study, conducted by Daniel Natusch, Patrick Ost and six other scientists, said snake farming “may provide a resilient and effective response” to the snake virus. Food insecurityespecially in countries where people are increasingly dealing with this issue and are already open to eating reptile meat.

The researchers found that the two types of snakes they studied were able to exhibit rapid growth rates and maintain body condition during periods of fasting. For the latter, the study said, it “provides farmers with the flexibility to regulate feed inputs and product outputs in response to unpredictable external factors.”

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A Burmese python in its enclosure at the Bronx Zoo on February 21, 2024, in the Bronx, New York (Andrew Lichtenstein/Corbis via Getty Images/Getty Images)

SnakesAnimals that were killed humanely also produced about one gram of meat for every 4.1 grams of food they were given on average, according to the study.

“Our study suggests that snake farming can not only complement existing livestock systems, but may provide better returns in terms of production efficiency,” the study said.

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Weber Grill

Weber grill (Reuters/Brian Snyder/Reuters Photos)

Natush said in a statement that the snakes “outperformed all dominant agricultural species studied to date” on “some of the most important sustainability criteria.”

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The researchers arrived at their findings after spending a year conducting research into snake farming, which entailed tracking the snakes' growth rates and other data. According to the study, Burmese and reticulated pythons farmed in Thailand and Vietnam were the focus of their research.

Burmese python in the Bronx

A Burmese python at the Bronx Zoo on February 21, 2024 in Bronx, New York (Andrew Lichtenstein/Corbis via Getty Images/Getty Images)

Reticulated and Burmese pythons typically live in Southeast Asia. According to reports, they can reach 20 feet in length.

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In the study, the researchers noted some factors that could hinder the “agricultural potential of snakes.” According to the study, some of these factors include the labor needed to feed the snakes separately, technical expertise, and some people's fear of these creatures.

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