Sullivan: Russia is planning a “very violent” operation to “crush” Ukraine

White House National Security Adviser Jake SullivanBartiromo by Jake Sullivan Fox: White House Plays Russia-Ukraine Crisis to Distract ‘What Hillary Clinton Did’ Biden’s Indo-Pacific Strategy: A No Serious Strategy for Deadly Dangerous Times As February 16 passed, the Biden administration pressed information on the Russian invasion more On Monday, the United States said Russia was planning a “very violent” invasion of Ukraine, saying Moscow would seek to “crush” the Ukrainian people.

“We believe that any military operation of the size, scope, and scale of what we think the Russians are planning will be extremely violent. It will cost the lives of Ukrainians, Russians, civilians and military alike,” Sullivan said during his appearance on Tuesday. Today program on NBC.

“But we also have intelligence that indicates there will be more brutality because this is not just going to be a conventional war between two armies,” he added. It will be a war that Russia will wage against the Ukrainian people to oppress, crush and harm them.

It is believed that up to 190,000 Russian soldiers have been massed near the border of Ukraine. Russian officials have denied these numbers and recently claimed that some of their forces are moving away from Ukraine, although the Biden administration has rejected these assertions.

On Sunday, officials announce The joint military exercises between Russia and Belarus that were scheduled to end this week will be extended indefinitely.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Anthony BlinkAnthony Blinken ordered the Kremlin to continue invading Ukraine prompted Biden to warn: Reports Kremlin says repeated predictions of an invasion of Ukraine could have ‘harmful consequences’ Biden’s self-destructive defeatism for Ukraine More she has agreed to meet With Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov this week, provided Russia does not invade Ukraine, amid an attempt to de-escalate tensions through diplomacy.

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on Sunday, President BidenJoe Biden tells US to UN that Russia has a list of Ukrainians who will be killed or sent to camps: ‘Report of latest satellite imagery shows shift in Russian military activity near Ukraine’ Biden agrees to meet Putin ‘in principle’ ‘If Russia doesn’t invade’ Ukraine more Likewise, he agreed to meet with the Russian President Russian President Vladimir PutinVladimir Vladimirovich Putin, tells US, Russia has list of Ukrainians to be killed or sent to camps: Latest satellite image report shows shift in Russian military activity near Ukraine Biden agrees to meet Putin ‘in principle’ if Russia doesn’t invade Ukraine More “In principle”, on the condition that the Russian president does not initiate an invasion of Ukraine.

Sullivan reiterated Monday that the United States was prepared to respond, no matter how successful the diplomatic effort.

“We are ready to respond decisively if Russia acts on Ukraine, and we are ready for diplomacy to resolve this peacefully, including at the highest levels,” Sullivan said.

“And therefore [French President Emmanuel MacronEmmanuel Jean-Michel MacronBiden agrees to meet with Putin ‘in principle’ if Russia does not invade Ukraine Shelling in east Ukraine, Russia nuclear drill raise tension Biden to convene National Security Council meeting on Ukraine MORE] President Biden asked yesterday if he was willing in principle to meet with President Putin if Russia did not invade, of course President Biden said yes. But every indication we see on the ground now regarding the arrangement of Russian forces is that they are in fact preparing for a major attack on Ukraine.”

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