The British Health Agency says the effectiveness of the third dose of Pfizer will drop to 45% after ten weeks.

A study by the UK Health Security Agency found that the effectiveness of laboratory booster doses may be reduced to symptomatic forms.

The rapidly spreading Omicron variant undermines the effectiveness of vaccines. However, this is an observation that emerges from a number of studies conducted specifically in South Africa and the United Kingdom. Last weekend, the British Health Security Agency (UK Health Security Agency) stated To analyze – It wants to be cautious – The effectiveness of the third dose (or booster) decreases ten weeks after the injection.

In detail, a three-dose vaccination schedule made only with Pfizer-Bioentech doses provides 70% protection against symptomatic forms of corona virus associated with the Omigron variant, according to a British study. But this immunity weakens soon after. Therefore, the data from the study suggest that this coverage is only 45% after ten weeks.

The situation is different for patients who have received the dose from other laboratories, or “Mixed“For patients who received the AstraZeneca vaccine first and then the Moderna or Pfizer-BioNTech booster, the coverage was 45% and 35% after ten weeks, respectively.

Evolution of vaccine efficacy with a program consisting of two doses of the astrogenic vaccine and an alternative Pfzer-BioNTech or Moderna booster. UK Health Care Agency
Evolution of vaccine efficacy with a two-dose schedule of the modern vaccine UK Health Care Agency

Last case: Patients who received the first two doses of Pfizer-Bioendech vaccine before receiving a booster from the Moderna laboratory. In France, this program only applies to people over the age of thirty. Since the effectiveness of the vaccine is maintained at 70 to 75% after ten weeks, they seem to have the most durable protection.

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Evolution of vaccine efficacy with two doses of Pfizer-BioNtech vaccine and alternatively with Pfzer-BioNTech or Moderna booster program. UK Health Care Agency

Protection against severe forms

As underscored by the British Health Agency, the results of this study should be carefully examined, which warns against potential biases associated with the profile of Omicron sufferers. In addition, the sample studied in this study was relatively small, with 147,587 cases of delta variation and 68,489 cases of omigron variant.

After all, these results add up to a series of studies published in recent weeks that raise the question of the effectiveness of the vaccine against this variant. Therefore, according to an analysis of real-life data released on Tuesday, December 14 by the South African Health Insurance Board, Protection against pollution Two doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine (with only one dose) associated with the new variant will be reduced by 30% over time.

On the other hand, this study finds an efficacy against extreme forms (70%). This is supported by an analysis published by the British Institute for Health Care, which estimates that people with Omicron’s disease are 50 to 70% less likely to be hospitalized.

But here again, the results need to be carefully examined because, as the company points out, there is analysis. “Due to the small number of Omigran patients currently in the hospital, it is highly uncertain due to the inability to effectively measure all previous infections and the limited spread of Omigran among the elderly..

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