The first reaction of the interim authorities


The first reaction from Malian authorities to Wagner’s presence in the press release of Mali’s 15 Western allies. This Friday, December 24, in Bamako, a high-level National Security Council was held around Colonel Azimi Koita, the leader of the change. The security situation and especially the evolution of measures to deal with the restructuring of the Barclay system were noted. On one side of the crowd, officials vehemently denied the report, which was read on national television. Allegations by some associates In the presence of the Russian company Wagner.

With our correspondent in Bamaga, Gauro Magassa

A journalist joins the editor of the national television newspaper in Mali just after 8pm this Friday. Facing the camera, he read the press release of officials responding to the previous day’s protests in fifteen Western countries, including France, Great Britain, Germany and Canada, for sending the Russian company Wagner’s mercenaries.

To read Mali: International partners strongly condemn Wagner group’s stance

In the speech, the government denies the allegations, describing them as rumors and “ These charges “, தி” Evidence from independent sources is required .

To strengthen ” Skills “Security forces only recognize the involvement of the Malian government” State-to-state partnership with the Russian Federation .

Therefore, the government recognizes the presence of Russian trainers in its territory. In addition to the EUTM, EU training work.

For weeks, France, the European Union, the West African community and the United States have been concerned about the possible goodwill of Malian authorities with private security firm Wagner.

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Many countries, including the Central African Republic, have been accused of malpractice, and the deployment of mercenaries in Mali is considered by many allies to be inappropriate for their presence in the country.

Ask more: Wagner: “The Mali ruling elite has a genuine desire to change alliances.”

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