Global epidemic update

Released Friday, December 24, 2021 at 7:22 p.m.

New Activities, New Reports, and Highlights: An update on the latest developments in the Govt-19 epidemic worldwide.

– Dazzling spread in the United Kingdom –

Faced with the meteoric spread of the Omigron variant, the United Kingdom on Friday recorded more than 122,000 additional Covid-19 cases, a new record since the outbreak began.

The country, one of the most affected by the epidemic in Europe, recorded 137 additional deaths in 24 hours – a total of 147,857 – but was admitted to 1,171 hospitals, a data that was closely monitored and slightly modified per hour. .

– 4th dose in Chile –

Chile will offer a fourth dose of vaccine against the corona virus from February, before extending the measure to other people, beginning with the risk categories, President Sebastian Pinera announced.

The booster shot was first received by health workers, the elderly and those with chronic illnesses.

– Ecuador: Mandatory vaccination from age 5, first in the world –

The vaccine against Govt-19 has been made mandatory in Ecuador since the age of five, the first time in the world that this age has been announced by the Ministry of Health.

So far, only a few countries have made the vaccine mandatory.

– Morocco extends closure of airspace –

Morocco has extended the closure of its airspace until Friday, the end of January, to fight the spread of the Omigran variant, effective November 29. The closure originally expired on December 31st.

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– Air traffic was disrupted –

Airlines have had to cancel more than 2,000 flights worldwide, including nearly a quarter in the United States, especially in the face of the Omigron variant of the Covit-19, which disrupts travel during the holidays.

– Booster Doses: Changes in France and the Netherlands –

In the face of the fifth wave of the epidemic, the High Commission in France (HAS) recommended that the vaccine booster dose be increased to three months after the last injection, instead of the current five injections.

The government is preparing to reduce this period to 4 months.

Prime Minister Mark Rutte has acknowledged the “mistakes” in managing the health crisis in the Netherlands, which is subject to strict health restrictions. According to him, the vaccine booster campaign may have “already begun”.

– Chinese House in Xi’an: Local Policies Allowed –

Twenty-six politicians have been allowed in China for failing to stop the spread of goitre in the big city of Xi’an (north), and its 13 million people continue to be locked up with new pollutants, the National Regulatory Agency said Friday.

China has successfully brought the epidemic under control on its soil and has recorded only two deaths in a year and a half. However, it is mobilized to avoid any major explosions ahead of the Beijing Winter Olympics in February. Chinese officials who fail to control the epidemic in their province or city continue to be reprimanded and fired.

– More than 5.38 million deaths worldwide –

The epidemic has killed at least 5,385,564 people worldwide since the end of 2019, according to a report released by AFP at 11 a.m. Friday at GMT.

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Overall, the United States (815,423), Brazil (618,228), India (478,133) and Russia (302,369) recorded the highest number of deaths.

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that more and more deaths are directly and indirectly linked to Govt-19, and the number of cases may be two to three times higher than officially recorded.

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