The head of the steelworkers union expects to endorse Biden soon

The United Steelworkers appear likely to endorse President Joe Biden for the 2024 election, and the union is scheduled to make a decision on its endorsement in the coming weeks.

Union President David McCaul said Tuesday that endorsing former President Trump would not be consistent with what happened during his first administration.

“[A Trump presidency] McCall said in a Fox News interview Tuesday. “He put a lot of anti-union people in his administration.”

McCaul added that Trump did not contact him, and that the former president's campaign did not even respond to its issues survey.

This statement comes after Biden opposed the sale of US Steel to a Japanese company. The president said it was “vital” for the industrial giant to remain locally owned, and to be praised by the union.

The union has 1.2 million members He endorsed Biden in 2020once displayed a massive Biden campaign banner on the side of a skyscraper in Chicago.

The move would be consistent with Biden's focus on unions. Biden has called himself “the most pro-union president in American history” and made his debut last year by joining striking auto workers on picket lines in Michigan.

He has already won the endorsement of the United Auto Workers, after a brief dispute over electric vehicle subsidies, the Service Employees International Union, and the AFL-CIO, among other major labor groups.

SEIU announced spending $200 million on advertising for the president's re-election campaign last week, one of the largest commitments made by any labor group.

“In this election, workers will vote for the candidates who have their support,” SEIU Executive Vice President Rocío Saenz said in a statement. “They are willing to support candidates like President Biden, who has walked the picket line, taken on big business, and invested in good union jobs.

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However, the Biden campaign continued its attempts to woo the truckers' union, but had little success. The truckers showed an openness to both presidential candidates, rare for a labor group, even giving $45,000 to the Republican National Committee, according to Federal Election Commission filings.

The Republican National Committee claimed it never received the money, and the union still gave hundreds of thousands to Democratic causes, but the donation could show a significant difference between labor groups that almost uniformly backed Biden over Trump.

The president met with Teamsters leaders last week as the union also considers its 2024 selection.

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