The head of US diplomacy, Anthony Blinken, arrived in Israel

After visits to Saudi Arabia and Jordan, US diplomat Anthony Blinken arrived in Israel on Tuesday, April 30. His seventh mission to the Middle East makes it possible to finally reach a ceasefire between the Jewish state and Hamas. On Monday, he called on the Palestinian Islamist movement to accept it “without delay” Ceasefire Proposal, As he described“Extraordinary generosity on Israel's part”. In this A “40 Day Ceasefire” As well as “The release of thousands of Palestinian prisoners in exchange for freedom [des] hostages”, British foreign policy chief David Cameron said on Monday. Follow our live stream.

Benjamin Netanyahu promises his army will enter Rafah, ceasefire or no ceasefire. “The idea that we're going to stop the war before we've achieved all of our objectives is not in question. We're going to go into Rafah and take out the Hamas battalions there, with or without an agreement, to achieve complete victory. .”The Israeli Prime Minister announced from Jerusalem.

Hamas is preparing its response. A source close to the Islamist movement told AFP that Hamas representatives left the Egyptian capital for Doha to study a new cease-fire offer after Monday's meeting in Cairo with representatives of Egypt and Qatar, mediators with the US. Answer will be given “as soon as possible”According to the same source.

Israel will wait until “Wednesday evening” for a response from Hamas. According to an Israeli official who spoke to AFP, Israel “Hamas will make a decision once it gives its response.” After Monday's false leap, US President Joe Biden is asking the leaders of Qatar and Egypt “Do your best” Get Hamas to release hostages as part of negotiations for a ceasefire in Gaza.

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A makeshift US jetty to deliver aid to Gaza is almost ready. The US military is set to finish construction of its temporary infrastructure on the Gaza Strip on Thursday to provide more humanitarian aid to the besieged Palestinian territory, the Cypriot president announced on Tuesday. Joe Biden announced in early March that he would establish an artificial port to transport aid by sea.

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